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Rosey's POV

Louis pulled a baby duck out of his pocket. Everyone stared at him.

"Omg!!!" I yelled "can i hold it" i said while diving to get the duck but Niall, Josh and Justin held me back.

"No Rosey!" Liam yelled "Louis you stole a duck??!"

"No i stole a carrot, yes i stole a duck the hells it look i stole!" Louis said petting the ducks head and i laid on top of Justin, Niall and josh.

"You have to bring it back!" Liam yelled.

"No!" Louis yelled back,

"Niaallll" i whined " i have a headache and i wanna keep the duck!" I said my head on his lap.

"Ok, SHUT UP GUYS ROSEY HAS A HEADACHE AND I SAY WE KEEP THE DUCK!" Niall yelled, and i winced but the car silenced.

"All in favor or keeping the duck say 'I' all a posed sit there....quietly" Louis yelled. The whole car said "i" even Liam.

"I say we name her Rosebuddy!" Louis shouted.

"Yay a duck named after me!!" I screeched.

When we got back to the tour bus, which we were now staying on. I went sat on the couch. The rest of the boys piled in. Louis went who knows where to set up stuff for his duck.

"When do i start gymnastics?" I asked.

"You person-trainer thingy mibob should be here" Liam started, "you get you own bus to train on with all the stuff you need." I was overjoyed! My own bus! Yay!!!

"Ok" i said cooly "thanks." There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Zayn yelled. In walked a gorgeous man. He was about 5'10 blonde hair and blue eyes.

"I'm Rosey's gym coach" he said "my name is Josh!" He was so hot!

"Cool" i said "lets get started!" I walke off the bus to the other bus on the other side of ours. I walked in there was a beam, a bar, some mats. Basic equipment. None of the boys followed us.

"Alright Rosey, go get you leotard on!" He said, and i ran into a back room got changed and ran back out.

"Ok first i need to know you trust me." He said "stand i front of me and fall back" i stood in front of him and fell backwards, at the last second he caught me and his hand almost grabbing my boob...awkward!

"Nice job!" He said "alright we are gonna work on back hip circles on the bar" i knew what they were an how to do then but i hadn't done it in a while so it might be best to start with the basics.

I got on the bar and cast 2 before attempting a back hip circle, i didn't make it all the way around. Hmmph! I tried again he guided me this time. His hand on my butt, helping me a round.

"I can usually do those, guess i should've practiced more" i said he chuckled.

"Practicing helps, alright lets do beam!" He said enthusiastically. I chuckled and walked over to beam.

"Alright, cartwheel" i did a cartwheel perfectly.

"Handstand" i did a handstand perfectly

"Back walkover" i did a back walkover perfectly.

" back handspring" i did that....perfectly

"Alright, front ariel!" I had just learned this, before i left. I took in a deep breathe and did a front ariel landing a foot away from the bean.

"Alright we'll work on that tomorrow." He said, i looked at the clock we had been practicing for nearly 3 hours, wow time flies.

"Ok thanks Josh" i said waving bye and leaving back to the other bus. Apparently Josh had a room on the other bus and he was coming on tour with us.

I got back on the other bus were the boys were all sitting on one coach and i laid on them.


Niall,Zayn,Liam,Harry,Louis Duckling on arm rest

My head on Niall.

"How'd it go?" Niall asked.

"Mmph" i said, i didn't realize how tired i was until i laid down, they chuckled and Niall started playing with my hair. I started to doze of when


"I'm gonna murder that duck!" I said trying to get up but the boys held me down while Louis got up and ran with his duck. I stopped trying to get up and fell asleep.

Zayn's POV

"Lets prank her!" I said

"Yeah!" Liam said

"How?" Harry asked

"Lets tie her up and blindfold her and make her think she'd been kidnapped" Niall said.

"She is kidnapped you idiot!" Harry said.

"Right..." He said

" i got it" i said and i told them my brilliant plan


Hey guys i might not update tomorrow got a lot to do.

Gymnastics from 11-3 then other stuff haha. So if i do...then i do

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