Thank You...

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"I don't know what to think anymore." Silver watched the water drain from the sink after splashing it on his face, "father is siding with Mephiles, and these Zulfarians show up out of no where, and one claims she is on our alliance. What if this is just one of Mephiles' master plans. Instead of destroying us quickly he'll do what he does best. Mind games. Now that he's in, he'll rip us apart from the inside out. We can't trust anyone anymore, not Shadow, not the Zulfarians, and defiantly not Mephiles. I have to talk to Commander, surely he'll agree with me."

Silver left the bathroom passing a few troops and their families that taken refuge in the base. Finally entering the room where Commander Towers flipped through some paper work and conversed with the group of Zulfarians, Shadow at his side.

"Excuse me sir. I need to talk to you. Alone. It's important." Silver requested catching a glare from his father but his request granted everyone filled out of the room.
"What is it Silver?" Commander sighed clipping the papers together, "Make it quick I have a lot of work to do here."
"Yes sir. You see sir, I don't think we should trust Mephiles aboard the helicarrier."
"Oh ho who said anything about trusting him!?"
"Good. So then you agree that who ever these people are who claim to want to take him back to where ever, should take him as soon as possible, right?"
"Well, so far we have no reason to assume them as a threat. And getting him off board would be for the best interest and make me feel a lot safer. But it seems that he wants to stay, and if they try to force him he's likely to become violent again. I just want him off our base if or when that happens."
"And about my father... I don't think we can trust him either."
"What? Why do you say that?!"
"I understand you think of him as your right hand man, but Mephiles got to him. It's clear he's been manipulated by what ever he did. Leading him to the base, allowing a foreign outsider to quickly join our ranks. These are things I know he just wouldn't do so easily!"
"Shadow underwent a full evaluation and his quick decisions may seem out of the ordinary for him but from what our study shows his mind is his own."
"No I refuse to believe that. Mephiles had gotten me to pursue an innocent person and tried to murder them while my mind was still my own! I know all too well how his manipulation works!"
"Well as I am doubtful this is happening just as things seem to be settling down, I do share your concerns. We will have everyone monitored. Shadow will be watched at all times, as well as these new comers, and Mephiles-"
"I want to guard Mephiles. Please sir, I don't want anyone else falling victim to his mind games, I've dealt with them before and already know too well how easy it is, there for I have a stronger resistance."
"Fine, you will guard Mephiles." Commander hummed in thought checking Silver out for any faulty of confidence in his statement.
"Thank you sir." Silver saluted quickly and walked out the room as Commander gave out the quiet orders for the selected few to be watched closely.

--Holding cell--

"Silver." Mephiles greeted just as the hedgehog stopped at the door.
"I'm on to you." Silver grunted folding his arms at his chest.
"So it seems." The dark chuckled, "but you're making it much more difficult than what it really is."
"Shut up, don't say another word." Silver growled leaning his back against the wall.
"And if I refuse?"
Silver's eyes drifted to the floor already with out a line of defense if he decides to do anything, he didn't even have a way of punishment for disobedience.
"Then I think we'll continue our talk. It must feel crushing to a father that's worked so hard on his family to have his only son turn against him."
"I haven't turned against him! I just--"
"Don't trust him. It sounds pretty much the same to me."
"You know what, you can talk all you want but from this point on I'm not saying a word!"
"Fine by me, you have no idea what it's like to keep my voice to myself, after all these years. Until I finally learned how to project it through my mind. This wasn't how I used to sound at all did you know that?? Anyway, it seems I've gotten exactly what I wanted. All I am doing now is sitting back and enjoying it all play through. Shadow has somewhat sided with me, and everyone is slowly turning against him, starting with a broken trust. And you will have no one to blame but yourselves. I am simply sitting here at my own free will. It's been a while since I've had such a thing. You wouldn't understand though, to have that taken away from you for so long. Once you finally break free you're hit with a great burst of energy and emotion. It takes a while for you to calm down. I might be a prisoner but now only by choice I know I don't have to... And I've never felt more calmer than I do now. I've even made a whole zen temple in here, it has a water fountain."
Silver was annoyed by the constant gibbering biting his tongue and bottom lip fighting to keep his mouth shut. If he spoke now he would have let Mephiles get to him, break his strength.
"Let's talk about a more interesting topic for you, I'm very well capable of accommodating others. Let's talk about that cat, the purple one what was her name again... Blaze?"
Silver's quills rose as he began to hiss from his nose biting harder.
"It's okay, you don't have to answer back I can feel your every answer. I can tell it's a sensitive topic for you. You poor thing, how many times have you watched her die? How many more times before you get strong enough to save her?"
Silver's face flushed a deep red now starting to scream at himself, what he exactly got himself into? He wasn't about this mind control, he was just getting angry. He'd hoped to stand outside his cage emotionless and deaf to his rambling, but as it turns out he heard every word and it shook him deep with in.
"She tried to be strong. But she was really nothing more than a heated attitude over confidant in her powers instead of her natural skills. And she never learns from her mistakes, never fixing her physical strength so that when she goes up against an opponent like me she's as good as dead. What if I told you I could bring her back?"
"What!?" Damn he got him, Silver quickly slapped his hand over his mouth hearing a laugh escape the prisoner inside.
'No!' Silver yelled at himself 'don't believe him for one second! This is just some sort of sick joke of his!'
"You're right bringing the dead back is undeniably crazy and the worst someone could do. Besides time travelers such as you're self and Blaze don't exactly 'die' as long as they are consciously aware of what is to befall them in another time line. So I will not promise you, but I will say that there is a possibility that you might see her again."
Silver's heart fluttered and his stomach flipped around.
"That makes you almost happy doesn't it? You don't want to, but now you have hopes that I'm right. Consider it a free favor. But then would you consider that as some kind of mind control? Ah in that case you're no more trustworthy than your father. You should be under watch now how could anyone ever trust you now that you've gotten hopes from the enemy?~"
"The Zulfarians are going to bring you back to Zulfare to face the king." Silver stated.
"My brother... Foster brother. But he is no longer a brother to me. He decided our separation a long time ago."
"A brother!?"
"Oh my, it seems my personal story is slipping out of it's prison as well.. Yes I was adopted into the Kings family after a war. The details on why or where I was from aren't clear to me. But I was raised in the kingdom with the prince. And if you want the real person to blame for all this tragedy, it is he that caused me to be such a wreck. I know you don't know what it feels like to be tortured at the hands of someone you thought was family, still hoping that they haven't gone completely cold, pleading everyday for them to realize who you thought they were in your own eyes, how scared you feel as they stand over you inflicting the worst pain anyone could imagine...But that is what happened and I was imprisoned for years before my time on Möbius. Not myself anymore, not even sane, what ever that is I've forgotten the meaning... Well what would you do in my shoes??"

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