Chapter 3

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*Lauren's P.O.V.*
I waited for Camila at our usual lunch table with the populars, I saw her stop at Becky and Selena's table. They had like some sort of short conversation, as Camila stormed at my way I was nervous to ask her why she was so mad, but I didn't really care. "So... What are you going to do tonight?" I said "Me and Niall are going out to a party" she stated. Ugh Niall horan the most popular guy in school, I hate him not only cause he has cheated on Camila 3 times and she doesn't even know that. But also because he keeps hitting on me, One time he tried to kiss me, but I wouldn't let him cause he was dating Camila. I stayed silent for a while, then spoke up "Oh.. Cool, can I come to the party?"  I questioned, hoping her answer would be yes! "Um.. Lauren, its a couple party" she said a bit ashamed "Its OK, I can still go. I don't have to have some guy to go with" I replied "Yeah, I know but. I sorta want to spend time with Niall. You know alone, have some boyfriend and girlfriend bonding" she said "Oh.... I get it" I replied sadly "Tell you what. If you can get someone to at least come with you to the party, then you can come with me. But if I want some alone time, then that means I want some alone time. OK" she said "REALLY?!?!" I yelled and started jumping up and down "Yes yes, OK now stop!!" She yelled back at me "OK, OK" I said. We started eating, and enjoying our talk, Until.. Niall came to our table, he snaked his arms around Camila's Waist, kissed her cheek and sat down next to her

"So, are we still going to the party tonight" he questioned stupidly "Yes, yes we are.... And um Lauren might come if she at least gets a guy to go with her, you know as friends" she told him sweetly "Is that OK with you??" I questioned at Niall "Yeah, totally fine." He said while looking at me "Well, I'm going to go to the ladies room, I'll be right back" Camila stated "Kay, I'll miss you" Niall pouted "Yeah, Yeah" Camila playfully smacked him while chuckling. As she walked out of the cafeteria, it was just now me and Niall. I got nervous, what if he tries to do something?!? I yelled inside my head "So.. I hear your going to the party with us" he smirked "Um, yeah" I responded "Who are you planning to go with?" He questioned "I dunno yet. But I'll find someone" I said excitedly "You know, me and you could go together" he stated while winking at me "Um, aren't you already going with Camila?" I replied "Yeah but... When she's all ready I can tell her that I'm not going anymore. But I really am going just not with her" he smirked again.... "I don't know, I mean Camila is my best friend. Best friends wouldn't do that to each other" I said shyly, he reached over, took a strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear "Some friends do" he smiled innocently. I just froze there, letting him stroke my cheek and tucking locks of my hair behind my ears

"Your very beautiful" he commented, I blushed WHAT THE FUCK LAUREN!!!! HE'S TRYING TO GET TO YOU!!!!! CALM DOWN!!!!!! I yelled inside my head "T-Thanks, but your dating Camila, and that should be enough for you" I shyly pointed out my point, while putting his hand down and away from me. He chuckled and slumped back down in his seat, "Just think about it, please" he said.. I was shocked DID THE NIALL HORAN JUST SAY PLEASE!!!!! he never says please!!! To anything!!!. I was freaking out I didn't know what to do but on one hand I kinda do wanna go with him, cause he seems nice. But on the other hand he's already taken by Camila and I wouldn't hurt her on purpose... Right?... I guess I was deep in thought I didn't realize Camila was already in front of me and into Niall's arms "Lauren are you OK?" She asked "What?. Oh yeah, I'm fine" I smiled

*Selena's P.O.V.*
Me and Becky enjoyed our meal when camila just left us alone. We were talking and talking until we saw Camila stand up and walk to the bathroom, leaving Niall and Lauren alone at the table "Hey, look" I said to Becky while gesturing to Lauren and Niall. Becky and I started watching and eating at the same time, in silence we were only a table away from them so it wasn't that hard to hear.. Niall was getting a little too touchy with Lauren, he was starting to flirt with her "The fuck is he doing, he's dating Camila that bastard" Becky complained. I raised my eyebrow and stared at her "Why should we care, for all I know that bitch Camila deserves to be cheated on" I stated proudly "Eh" she shrugged "Wooow" I chuckled

After lunch we went to class. Becky and I were talking on our way to class, I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going, I was just walking. I saw Justin leaning on a corner he saw me and started walking towards my way Shit!!! I thought... Its not that I don't like Justin its just that I always get nervous and my stomach gets into a bunch of knots whenever I'm close to him.... Do I like him?.... I thought for a moment then realized that he was still walking towards me. I had to think fast "Um Becky!!" She turned around "Huh, yeah?" She said "Let's go c'mon" I tugged at her sleeve "What? why" she questioned "No questions!! Just Walk with me!!" I whisper yelled while tugging harder "OK, OK!!" She whisper yelled back. Apparently I was too late and Justin already was in front of me "Listen, I need to talk to you" Justin said...

Hi!! I hope you liked chapter 3 and remember to vote and comment. Thank you!! Chapter 4 coming soon!!!

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