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Emma's POV

It is like 7am in the morning and I felt the urge to be sick .

I literally jumped out of bed and ran to the toilet .

I lent over the loo and I couldn't control my self I was sick everywear ( in the loo ah!)

" Emma what's up " a sleepy Luke says walking in to the bathroom .

He sees that I'm being sick , and Luke being himslef he grabbs all my hair and gets it out of my face rubbing my back .

" shit " he says


We went back into the room and I was so scared

" Luke " I gulp " do you think I'm like pr..egnant " I say

" I don't know ,I'll go and get some of those tests " he says putting his jacket on .

He kisses my head and leaves .

What if I'm pregnant will Luke want the baby ? All these horrible though keep going through my mind ; Luke's gonna leave me , he's gonna not want the baby .

" here " Luke says handing me the tests

I take them and look at them " are you okay " he asks

I break down in tears " Shorty what's wrong " he says kneeling down so he could see me

" Luke your not gonna want the baby ,your gonna leave me ! " I say through my falling tears

He doesn't say anything he just huggs me tightly " I'm not gonna leave you Emma , and if you are pregnant off course I want the baby " he says stroking my hair .

" now go and pee on the stick " he says trying to make me laugh

I stand up and walk to the bathroom

After I did my business we waited 10 - 20 minutes to see if I was pregnant or not .

" do you want me to be pregnant " I ask him as we were sat in silence

" truthly " he says I had a gut feeling he was gonna says no

" I do want a baby " he says smiling

I had the most biggest smile on my face .

20 minutes went by and I got up to have a look of I was pregnant .

" Luke " I say breathing in

" I'm " I pause and he looks at me waiting for my answer

" I'm pregnant " I smile

" omg really " he says smiling

He runs up to me and engulfs me with a massive hug . he knows how to make me feel better .

" I'm so happy " he says smiling as he kissed me .

" how am I gonna tell everyone " I ask

" well we will go to the doctors just to make sure first " he says grabbing my hand and walking down stairs .

Luke's POV

I couldn't be more happy right now.

We were inside the room and the doctor was putting this jelly on Emma's stomach .

" their I something their " the doctor smiles

" it will take about a month to see if the baby has from or not , so your next appointment is in month time " she says as we left .

" let's go " I say holding her hand ,walking to the car .


" boy " I say calling them

" yes " they say as they walked over to us

" I have some news" Emma says smiling

After they all sit down emma starts to talk " I'm pregnant " she says

The boys mouth hung open " what ? " they say

" serious " jai says

Emma nods , " I'm so happy for you " James says hugging Emma

The boys all hugg her and say congrats

" so are you keeping it " skip says

" well if Luke wants to " she says

" off course I want to " I smile

Emma's POV
1 year later

My life is fantastic , we had a little baby girl and Luke soilt her rotton making her the new jazzy baby .

We named her destiny which I loved because it was different

" get here " Luke says chasing her

He lifts her up and spins her around while she laughs

" bed time " I laugh

We put her to bed and Luke sang her a lullaby to get her to sleep .

" night destiny " Luke kisses her head

Me and Luke get into bed and he wrapps his arms around me .

" I'm so lucky " he smiles

" and me " I say kissing his lips

" I have the 2 most beautiful girls " he smiles

I blush and hugg him .

" I'm not the player anymore " he says


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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