1. You're Taken Home (CALM)

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FAIR WARNING: 5sos isn't even in the first chapter it's just part of the overall theme. Individually the boys are in 2, and as a group in 3 on

A/N: First one :) Hope you like it! Let us know what you think and what we should do next! -if you don't like it try something I wrote later that's less crappy

It had been a long week, filled with tears and heartbreak. The whole mess had started when your "mother" sat you down in tears to tell you that you weren't biologically hers. Your whole world had shattered at that moment, you numbly sat through her hugs and promises that she loves you only to be hit by another bomb shell; your biological family wanted you back. Suddenly you were snapped out of the haze and hugged her tight. She had been really stressed over the last few months and you just connected the dots, there was a custody battle, she had lost.

She explained that you were going to Australia to be with them until she can sort it out, and that she won't give up on you. You told her that it was okay and you understood but deep down you felt betrayed, not by your single hardworking mother who worked hard to keep you afloat, no by the people who were practically kidnapping you and bringing you to Australia.

You had packed your bags and was on the long flight to Australia, something you had dreaded from the moment you were told you were going. Your first ever flight was international and alone, your mom had offered to come with you but you both knew she didn't have the money so you settled with a drive to the airport.

To be fair your biological family hadn't forgotten about you, your biological mother had called to say that she would pick you up along with your brother and sister, but it all felt so wrong. She was cheery, and you were depressed, too upset to given her more than one word answers, you kept the phone call short, choosing instead to have a goodbye sleepover with your friends.

A silent tear slipper out as you thought about all you had left behind this morning, and only hoped that you would get it back soon. You wiped the tear away with your hand as the flight attendants began giving instructions for landing. The rest of the ride felt like a blur, the next thing you knew you were standing by the luggage carousel, grabbing your bags.

All of a sudden you felt a presence behind you and you turned around to be engulfed in a tear filled hug. Surprised and confused you stood rigid as the woman slowly detached herself and cupped your face as she grinned.

"Y/N, you don't know how long I've waited to do this," She whispered pulling you into another hug. You felt your eyes fill with tears and you slowly returned the embrace, hugging back the woman tightly. "Come on dear," she grinned grabbing your luggage. "Lauren and Harry are waiting in the car and they are so excited to meet you," she walked out, and you followed her to the car thinking that this may not be so bad after all.

You patiently sat in the hard plastic chairs of the social services office picking at your nails and ignoring the heated debate that was going on between the social worker, and your current foster parents. Sighing you laid on your side and looked up at the ceiling, you had really tried to make it work this time, the family was nice. They were an older couple who had taken you in nearly a year ago, despite a few squabbles in the beginning things were going well, you had begun to call them Mom and Dad, and they were getting ready to adopt you. That was, all until this morning, they barely looked at you and, told you to pack your bags. Now you were here, a painful reminder that you had no permanent home, no parents, an orphan.

The door suddenly burst open and you were tackled in a hug from your older brother. He gave you a watery smile and congratulations, before ushering you inside. Confused you walked in and sat next to your foster parents facing the social worker, your foster mother was silently crying on her husbands shoulder and he was comforting her. You turned forward to face the social worker, she gave you a small smile before reaching over her desk to hold your hand.

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