Episode 25 Stitches

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"Judging by how my brother isn't answering his phone... Either he's constantly busy with that girl, or he's thinking about other possible ways he could set the stage in his favor..." K thought out loud to herself as she hunched over some Kira case files. She glanced over at the clock, half-past midnight. "Great... now it's been 34 hours since I last slept..."

Argos the Shinigami hunched over K, inspecting her work. "I you don't mind my asking, what is all this? It's just a bunch of names and phone numbers for nursing homes. How is this supposed to help you catch this mystery Kira?"

"You really don't understand, do you Argos?" Kiss stretched before looking behind her shoulder at her Shinigami. "This isn't supposed to help us find the mystery Kira, it's supposed to aid us in capturing him."

"Oh? That sounds pretty interesting, how does that work?"

K finished writing down a mysterious, 6 digit number, then set down her pen. "It's a bit complicated, but in a nutshell, I'm trying to make it so that Near will be able to cheat death when the time comes to capture our mystery Kira..."

"Wait a second! Are those numbers relating a human's time of death?!?" Argos gawked in realization at what K was looking at. "My word they are looking low! We Shinigami normally wouldn't bother killing someone so close to death because there isn't any real gain to it!"

"Exactly. Each one of these numbers corresponds to an elderly or terminally ill person whom I have been observing. Each one of these people are expected to die soon. In fact, I've actually set up things in such a way for when these people do die, the hospital or nursing home they resided in will contact me, alerting me of the time of their death..." K said as she focused most of her concentration on the note pad she had scribbled names and numbers down on. "Of course, it was difficult to find these sorts of people due to the unfortunate circumstances of C Kira two years ago. However, I believe I've found plenty of test subjects."

"So what's the plan then? You're going to watch these people die and figure out a way to kill this mystery Kira with an incur oboe disease?"

K almost laughed at what her Shinigami just said. "Argos, that's ridiculous! I already told you, I wanted to know the time I death for each of these people, so I set things up with the hospitals and nursing homes for them to alert me exactly when they die. There is a good reason for that..."


"Take a look at this, by converting the amount of time which had passed since I started observing these subjects, up until their time of death, I should be able to formulate an equation to calculate Shinigami time to human time."

"Hmm... Well that's fine and dandy and all, but why not just ask me for the equation?" Argos asked.

"That's simple, it's because you just don't know." K took a quick sip of some coffee before she explained herself further. "Shinigami don't give a damn about our human calendar because your system of time is based solely around the numbers you see above human heads with your eyes. That's why the times for a person's death in the notebook are so odd..."

"How do you mean?" Argos asked, a bit intrigued over her theory.

"Well think about it. If humans designed the Death Note, we wouldn't make up the rule to be 40 seconds after writing a name in the notebook for that person to die, that's just not as convenient as say...30 seconds. Or how you can control someone up to 24 days, it's more convenient for us humans to say one month."

"Heh, so you figured it out huh? Well congrats, you've figured it out perfectly! Although most Shinigami know how long in human measurements it takes for someone to die by use of the notebook, it's only because our king demands we know that information for in the case of a Shinigami dropping a notebook down to Earth."

"I figured as much... Your species doesn't seem too interested in mathematics... You'd get along well with my brother in that department."

"Hey now! You don't know that! Maybe I could be a scholarly Shinigami!" Argos defended himself.

"I highly doubt that... It goes against your profile..." K said dismissively.

"My profile?" the Shinigami questioned.

"Yes, in addition to being a detective, I'm also a profiler, and a damn good one at that."

At that moment, K's computer emitted a loud, alert signal, signifying she had just received an Email. K put down her pen and opened up the file which had just been Emailed to her. "Looks like our killers have struck again..." K said looking over the list of people who had died in the past 24 hours from suspicious heart attacks.

"Interesting..." K said as she looked over a profile compiled for one of the victims. "This man was an orphan raised in Winchester, England whose orphanage name isn't listed. It's also stated here that he was incredibly intelligent. That's quite interesting... It seems as though this man was at one point a resident of Wammy's House...This cannot be allowed to be overlooked, I'll see if I can't get ahold of Near in the morning to see what he thinks of this..." K dragged the file over onto her desktop and then shut the computer down.

"I'm going to get some rest." she stated, standing up from her workstation. "In the meantime, how about you deal with that annoyance of yours who has been distracting you all day?" Kiss nodded towards the window. When Argos looked over, he saw that he was still standing out there, waiting for him.

Damn it Ryuk... What the hell do you want now?!?

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