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~Meredith's pov~

You know it felt good to have him wrapped around me.  Until he started to tighten his grip. I started to hurt like hell.

"Back in your own bed!" I yelled at Alois

He let go and got up. Finally i can breathe, but that was stopped by me laughing. I heard Alois trip over something and run into the door. I couldnt breathe again!  But i had to stop because he was crying uncontrollably.

"Fine I'll come help you." I said out of my will.

The blond put out his arms for me to pick him up. So i did that and carried him back to my bed. I dont feel like carrying his ass around the house. Not to mention its 3 in the fricken morning.

"Alright you are sleeping here now! No getting out of my bed until you accually want to get up!" I said strictly.

Alois just nodded then turned on his side. I felt bad for leaving the kid alone in an unfamiliar place. I sighed, brought over my bunny, and put it in his arms.

"Listen sorry for laughing at you. Here take Bunny. Just cuddle with it while you sleep." I said calmly.

I pulled the blanket over his body, turned off the light, and went downstairs. I looked at the clock. 4 in the morning! I know one person up at this ungodly hour. I picked up my phone, dialed the number, and waited for her to pick up.

"You're never up this early! What happened?" Questioned the friend 

"Nice to talk to you too Aria."  I said sarcastically 

"So whats your problem?"

"I have an unexpected visitor at my house. I have work today and i need someone to watch him. Plus they can not be left alone, has mood swings, and has separation issues."

"If i didnt know better id say you have Alois Trancy at your house!"

"Just get here before 10 o'clock."

"Sure be there around 9:40" 

Aria ended with that then hung up. I decided to make tea for myself.  Finally alone time with out the brat. Alright now to continue painting.


I have my tea, paint, and cd on. Time to finish Claude and not be bothered by Alois. I have to say if feel bad for the kid. I guess i will do my best to make him fit in. Okay Meredith just focus on your painting.

~Alois pov~

I dont understand how someone can be mean yet nice. I dont understand her ability to paint my Claude!  Ive never seen her before how could she know me! Even Claude! Not to mention im wearing her clothes, but they are quite comfy. Speeking of her, i dont know the blond's name. I guess i will ask when i go downstairs. But right now i smell tea, earl grey tea. That sounds good right now. The blond made me a single cup, but not for herself. Okay now i want more!  I decided to go downstairs to get a cup of tea. I try to be  quiet because i hear music plus its 5:30 in the morning.  I walked past the girl while she is painting Claude again. I must say for a mean person it looks spot on.

I got to the kitchen, found a cup set out, poured the tea, and watched her paint from the kitchen. It didn't take long for me to finish my tea. I place the cup down and walk behind the couch. I went up to her, put my arms around her neck, and my chin on her head. I stayed like this for the longest time without speaking.

~Meredith's pov~

I know Alois is around me, but why is he just watching me. Oh, im painting Claude thats it.

"I have work today. Im not going to leave you alone. You have separation issues." I said

"I do not! You just think that bitch!" Alois retorted 

"Im having a friend come over to watch you. Dont worry she knows all about you. Her name is Aria." I explained.

"And you're?" He asked as if it was a comand.

"I'm Meredith. Can you get off me please?" I asked

Alois just nodded. He let go of my neck and his chin off my head. I didn't mind that at all. I mean he is cute, is my age, and i already know all about him! Holy shit Meredith stop thinking about it. He came and sat next to me.

"Hey, what ever you were doing yesterday after painting? Can you do that again?" The blond asked.

What was i doing? Does he mean watching television? I turned off my cd, and on criminal minds again. I looked at the young earl being entertained by the show. His icy blue ords watching every single moment of the show. He gave me a nod confirming this was his answer. It was at the beginning ofthe episode meaning someone would be killed. I could see Alois was scared, more like terrified.

"Are you alright dude?" I asked concerned.

He nodded not even looking at me. Right before the person got killed he took my hand and intertwined our fingers together. I was shocked! Then he hid his delicate face on my arm. The young earl was  scared , huddled close to me for protection, and didnt want me to leave. But the kid was still in my clothes.

"Protect me." Alois whispered under his breath.

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