I Meet A Fat Guy Who Give Me Poison?

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Chapter 1

I was walking around town, when I heard some men in their twenties talking about the hunter exam. I always knew of the hunter exam, but this got me curious to go and finally take it. So I walked over to the men and asked them.

"How do you sign up for the hunter exam?" The three men looked at me and laughed. The biggest one, who I assumed was the leader of their small group, said,

"Little 10 year old girl, I think you're mistaken, the hunter exam is for men like us." They all laughed. At this point I was beginning to get seriously pissed.

"I am 13 years old, for your information!" I exclaimed. I am actually closer to 18 years old, but nen can seriously slow down aging and I have been using it since I was seven or eight and I like to look younger, so I change my appearance.

Also, sometimes, it is fun to trick people with my cuteness, but I wanted answers.

"Eh, 13, well that is young, but I could still have fun with you." One of the other men said. That's it, I couldn't take it anymore. I moved so fast that they couldn't even see me move, killing the leader and the perv who was going to take advantage of me, in less than a second. I was back where I was previously standing, when their heads finally popped of their shoulders, and fell to the ground with a smack.

They probably didn't even see the short foot and a half sword that caused their deaths before I replaced on my back under my shirt, pity. The third man was frozen with fear, staring at me with wide eyes and small pupils. I turned toward him, and smiled, a creepy smile, "So about this hunter exam, how do I take it?" He told me, and afterwards his guts were spilling, literally.

I walked away from the three dead men, dissatisfied. "They weren't even a challenge." I muttered toward myself, "I didn't even have to use my nen." I am a manipulator, and I happen to be quite good at it myself. If people like that were going to take the hunter exam, than it should be a breeze. After all, being a hunter means that you get to bend all the rules, and killing is not against the law. I smirked to myself as I walked to the port to leave. No one would miss me anyways, I was an orphan after all and a nuisance to the town.

Before starting my journey, I needed to change my clothes to get the dirty blood off. I quickly changed into a fresh pair of knee length basketball shorts and a baggy black t-shirt with a jacket with lots of pockets. The pockets containing plastic labeled test tubes of people's hair, empty test tubes and three knives. I was not very good at conjuring yet, but I could conjure up at least five dolls at once, for my nen ability and regular everyday items that were smaller than me. That means that I could conjure up backpacks, clothing, and shoes, but not a refrigerator. I would get very tired easily though.

I soon passed the pretests for the hunter exam and was filling out a form to get a number from this lady who smiled too much for comfort. I finished filling it out, and was handed a number on a round circle. "You are number 333, please do not remove this tag from your shirt at anytime, proceed through that door over there." The lady told me, pointing to a door to my left. Without acknowledging her in anyway, I took the tag and shoved it on my shirt, walking through the door.

On the other side of the door stood many people, almost none of them smiling. I had walked just about five feet, when this short, ugly, and fat man wearing the tag number 16, approached me.

"You must be new." He smiled, God his teeth looked like they could use a good brushing. I nodded.

"I am Tonpa, I have taken the exam more times than anyone else, in fact this is my 35th attempt." He looked proud of himself. I giggled,

"35th attempt, wow you must suck." I giggled some more. He looked kind of mad, but forced a fake smile on his thin lips.

"I enjoy helping rookies like you, here have a drink." He handed me an orange drink. I opened it and immediately knew it had a laxative in it. He was trying to poison me, to bad poison doesn't work on me.

"Why thank you, Tonpa-san," I took a sip from the drink, "My names Skyler Katoh." He looked at me, waiting for the laxative to kick in. After a moment, I smiled my creepy smile,

"Poison doesn't affect me, so thanks for the drink." I walked away leaving a dumbfounded look on his face.

Looking around, I mainly saw the generic male who thought they could take on anything. There were a few that caught my eye, a man who looked like a clown who had an almost showing bloodlust, a man who had pins in his face, who was obviously changing the way he looked, and I also saw an aqua haired girl. But the person who really got me intrigued was a boy who looked my size and fake age, with silver hair drinking the can of poisoned juice Tonpa probably gave him. I walked over to him.

"You know the orange drink has a laxative right?" I said, taking another sip of mine. He looked at me, a calculating expression, then replied,

"Yeah, but poison doesn't affect me, so why are you drinking it then?" I looked at him lazily, "Oh you know, surprising old fat men never seems to be boring you know?" I smiled at him, a normal one, not my creepy one.

"I am Skyler Katoh, do you happen to be 13 like me too?" He looked at me, most likely weighing the options of telling me who he is. "No, I am 12, and my name's Killua Zoldyck." I see, so he comes from the family of pro assassins.

Looking around I see the joker man, with pink hair, turning a man into rose petals. It was beautiful, I have to ask him later how he did that.

"Who is that?" I ask Killua, pointing to the joker. "Hisoka, apparently he was disqualified last year for practically killing an examiner." Killua doesn't so much look disturbed as he does confused. What an interesting kid.

All of a sudden, a guy in a purple suit spoke up saying the exam was going to start and to follow him. He started walking down the hallway and everyone started to follow him. Killua gets on his skateboard and starts riding on it, not wanting to be left behind, I concentrate my nen and conjure up a skateboard into my own backpack and take it out. It was kind of depleting my energy, but I felt like I wasn't going to use much of it anyway.

People who don't know nen yet should learn it from themselves or find a master. I hop on mine and we start skateboarding,

"Hey kids!" We look up at a man who is wearing glasses and a blue suit, he looks angry. "Show some respect to the hunter exam!" He shouts at us.

"What do you mean?" Killua and I ask.

"Why are you guys using skateboards that's cheating!" I smirk.

"Why?" Killua asks. "This is an endurance test," the sweating man yells.

Just then a boy wearing all green, and has black spiky hair with green tips and a fishing pole on his back says, "no it isn't. The examiner only said to follow him," The boy says.

"He never said how to follow him." I say as if explaining something to a small child.

"Hey how old are you?" Killua asks the younger boy. "I am twelve." He replies. So all three of us are around the same age. Killua looks at me and I nod, together we jump off our skateboards and do a trick before replying,

"I guess we'll run too." I allow my skateboard to disappear.

"Wow that was so cool!" the all green boy says, referring to the skateboard trick.

"I'm Killua and that's Skyler." He points at me and I smile. This boy has such pure innocence in his eyes, it'll be fun to watch him and see if he will wither or bloom.

"I'm Gon." The boy replies with much enthusiasm.

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