Ehh, Dull

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"Aah! Stay the crap away from me!" Marcy screamed in fear.

IK stopped moving.

"Sorry, just stay here, Ice King," Zest demanded, placing his hand on the King's chest. Zest followed Sheeba to the girls as IK looked down at the ice floor. He put his hands behind his back, kicked an ice pebble and mumbled: "just was trying to help."

The married ones tried their best to block the sun and ask if Marcy was O. K. The suns rays still reached some of the vampire, so Sheeba insisted they take her back to her room. She turned to tell Ice King: "and you stay here" before he got the chance to follow them.

He sat on the cold floor, took off his crown and said "what is wrong with me?" He looked at his reflection in the center gem of his crown, wondering if the man he saw is who he's been forever. After all, he only remembers what happened while he was wearing the crown up until it finally took over.

Zest let Sheeba take the girlfriends to their room while he went to talk to IK. He put his hand on the cold man's shoulder. "Hey, Ice King?"

"Wha? Oh, hey." Zest had snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Look, it's not you that's the problem. She's probably..."

"Gone bonkers?"

Zest chuckled with amusement. "Nah nah, it's just..." Zest looked into IK's confused, curious eyes. "It's probably just that you reminded her of someone she doesn't like?"

"Oh..." Zest stood up, ready to leave. "Wait, why's she just realizing this now?" IK asked, confused.

Zest kept walking and stopped by the door way to the hall. "It's you."

"Oh... wait, but---" Zest left before IK could finish.


Marcy was sitting in bed panting from exhaustion. " burns..." tears were streaming down her face. Bonnie sat next to Marcy, poked the side of her face, then winced from the heat.

Sheeba sat in front of them and placed a comforting hand on Marcy's shoulder. "I know, darling. You should really be more careful. Why did you go running all crazy like that?"

Marcy looked down, remembering almost all of the nightmare at once, wishing she could forget. "I...I..." she said while closing her eyes tighter to try and block out tears.

"Ya know what? You can tell me later. I'll go get you some ice." Sheeba was leaving as she saw Zest about to enter. She told him to watch the girls while she got ice.

Zest stepped in and watched Bonnie examine her gf's burns. "Hey," he said after a few seconds of silence.

"Hi" Bonnie responded without taking her eyes off Marcy. Zest felt a little awkward standing by the doorway, not sure what to say since Sheeba most likely asked what was needed.

Marcy turned to Bonnie sniffling. "I'm sorry," she said between quivering lips.

"Sorry?" Bonnie's asked, "For what?"

"You tried to keep me in here...but I ran. I shoulda...I sho---"

"No no no, Marceline," Bonnie moved some of Marcy's hair out of her face. "This isn't your fault. "

Zest watched, stopping himself from cutting in like he wanted.

Marcy turned her head away. "But you wouldn't be worried if I just stopped...if I had calmed down..."

"Marceline, it's okay."

"No. It isn't. It---"

"Marceline, stop. Yes, I'm worried. But all that means is that I care about you..." Bonnie confessed wiping a tear from Marcy's face. As she was finishing, Marcy started looking into her eyes. Bonnie could see some of the skin on her gf's face already started to heal.

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