Imagine for AshleyMartin946

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Prompt: Hey could u possibly do one with a girl going to the hospital for an ultrasound appointment and have Harry be her big older brother but she is beyond scared and have Niall be her heart doctor?


Ashley's POV

"Ashley we have to go" I heard my older brother Harry screaming. I mean I love him but not right now.  He is making me go to my doctors appointment. Dr. Niall is really nice but last week he said that I needed to get an ultrasound for my heart and I absolutely dont want to go. He says I might have a heart murmur but they are not sure. Its actually called a Echocardiogram but I like to call it an ultrasound. I heard footsteps coming towards my room and I knew that it was Harry so I hid under my bed like a 2 year old. I hear my door creak and then a pair of black leather shoes were right in front of me. "Ashley, baby do you want to come out?" He asked. "No, and how did you know I was here?" I asked. "Well you are 14 and you shouldn't be too scared but I'll help you through it. And I saw you feet poking out" He laughed. I came out from under the bed and Harry pulled me onto his lap."Sweetie-pie it will be ok. I promise" He said and kissed my forehead. "No it -w-o-wont" I said stuttering because by now I was crying. Harry rocked me back and forth and picked me up putting me on his hip which I didn't mind. "Baby I promise it'll be alright. I will be there with you the whole time and I love you so much. You just have to keep calm and remember Dr. Niall is really nice and he wouldn't even think about hurting you or any of his patients" He said and rubbed the back of her head. He took me outside the house and buckled me in the car. I was calm by now but still whimpering. The ride was only 5 minutes long and soon we were at his clinic. Harry took me out of the car holding my hand and we entered the clinic. He went up to the front desk and told the receptionist my information and soon I was called.

Niall's POV

I was waiting for my patient Ashley today. She is usually really scared and I hate that and I try to comfort her in the best way possible. I've been her doctor for about 2 years but she came to me a lot since she usually hurts herself while playing or something. She is just really clumsy. My nurse just came and informed me that she is sending in Ashley and I nodded telling her to send them now. I saw Ashley enter with her brother looking really scared. "Hey Ashley. Scared?" I asked her and she nodded sitting on the bed. "Well I am just going to do a general check up first and then we will do the 'heart ultrasound' ok?" I explained to Ashley and she nodded. "Hey Harry" I said and greeted him. "Hey man, she is still scared" He informed me. "Dont worry" I whispered to him. He nodded and took a seat in the corner of the room by he bed. I grabbed my light and tongue depressor and the otoscope and out them on a tray bringing it towards Ashley. "I am just going to look in your ears" I said and put the otoscope in her ear cavity. I did the same with the other ear and moved onto checking her mouth which had no problems either. "Just going to listen to your heart" I said and placed the diaphragm of my stethoscope  on her chest. "hmm sounds good. I know you are scared Ashley but I promise that nothing will hurt during the ultrasound. It's a really easy procedure and it will not hurt. If you feel uncomfortable or want a break just tell me to stop and I will" I softly explained to Ashley who nodded and looked towards her brother who also smiled at her letting her know everything was going to be okay. I started the ultra sound machine and told Ashley to lay down which she did. "I am going to put some gel on your chest ok. It will be a little cold" I explained and lifted her shirt till her chest and put on some gel. She shivered a little but then she was fine. I grabbed the Transducer Probe and put it on her left side where her heart was. I pressed down a little and everything looked fine. "Congratulations Ashley, everything is looking great" I said and turned off the machine while handing her a towel to rub the gel off her. She did so and got up. "You did really great. Your next appointment is in 6 months" I said and patted her back. She nodded and sighed that everything was fine.

Harrys POV

Ashley was really calm during the procedure and everything turned out to be fine. I was really proud of her so when we exited the clinic I took her out for some ice-cream and then laid with her all day. She is really close to me because I m her only brother and she is my only sister.

AN: Hi guys, thank you so much for the reads. I can't thank you enough! If you guys have time, check out LittleMissyAmbitious (s) book. Its about 1D/5sos dentist and doctor imagines. xxx.

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