~10| Homecoming Day

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The principal gave us a half day at school so everyone could get ready for Homecoming. I haven't even got my dress yet. And I'm not sure what color it would be either.

I'm going with whatever Loren and my dad comes up with. I'm not that much of a dress kind of girl. If I could I would go to the dance with just jeans and a nice blouse. But unfortunately I can't.

I thought that the dress Loren showed me on Twitter was really pretty. I'd doubt it if I can find that type of dress in stores. Unless I order it online.

Loren is taking me to this private dress store. I've heard that it's a place where bride maids get their dresses. I keep telling Loren that we don't have to go all out with our dresses, it's just homecoming. It sounds fun to go shopping though. My dad never took me out shopping.

It gets so awkward for him to just stand there next to me while I pick out clothes.

For my 12th birthday he got me camelflauge cargo shorts. I wasn't too happy because knew those were boy shorts. My dad held them up and he opened his mouth into an open smile. Oh gosh.

When I blew out my candles I had a huge smile spreading across my face. Then my dad had the camera in his hand I saw the red light go off so I just stuffed my face in my cake and started eating away. What a great picture.

I wonder what Trent, Brandon, and Garrette look like in Tux's. Looking all fancy. They look so handsome with just a V-neck T-shirt and jeans. But with a Tux? Yeah I'll faint with in the three seconds of seeing them.

Walking down the hall to my locker just to drop off my books Brandon and Trent were already at my locker. Stalkers.

"Trent." I said. He had the usual facial expression. "Brandon." I smiled at him. He looked really happy. Well I guess Loren and him had their routine of the day.

"What? He gets a smile and I get a death stare?" Trent complained. His spiked up brown hair moved as he kept bobbing his head.

I looked up at Trent who was invading my personal bubble. "Can you take a step back please? I can feel you breathing on me" I asked him.

He took a step forward. My personal bubble had popped and Trent was already smirking at me. "Oooo I'm gonna tell Garrette." Brandon said. He had a voice of a 5 year old.

In this position I am in right now with Garrettes best friend. This isn't right and I'm getting uncomfortable.

With out saying anything Trent backed up and gave Brandon the look as if he wanted to punch him.

"I don't know why you keep trying dude. She has Garrette." Brandon said to Trent.

I closed my locker and slowly started to walk backwards. "They aren't even dating yet!" Trent screamed at Brandon.

Well I guess they are about to start a fight. "Alright. You should watch yourself before Garrette tackles you again like he did when we were 5!" Brandon said.


"Hey guys, guys stop." I walked in between them. They both tower over me. I'm 5'4 and they are already clocking 6'1 maybe.

I put my hands on their chests. Oh my gosh they have that strong chest structure. Just as I imagined.

"You guys are best friends common." Trents face was bright red and Brandon was clenching his fists. If I didn't end up stopping them by now they'd both be on the floor punching each other.

One having a broken nose. And the other having a black eye. Yeah you get the picture.

"Trent please stop invading my personal bubble. And if you think you have a chance with me I think you should talk to Garrette about that. You seem really desperate, get a girlfriend dude. Not even when your flirting with your best friends..." I swallowed my saliva. I'm not his girlfriend. "Your best friends closest girl."

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