Please Don't Do It: Robin x Depressed! Reader

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This was requested by cayleym101. Note that this has suicide thoughts so if you don't like those stuff, I dont recommend reading this.
"Why don't you go back to where you belong!?!" One of the smashers yelled at you. You felt like crying when they said that.

"Who was your mother, a monster? Cause you definitely look like one!!" Another one of the smashers snickered. You thought that joke was pretty corny, but you didn't say a word.

You ran all the way to your house, the bullies following you. Tears streaming down your face, cuts on your arms, and your hair all tangled.

"Come back here!!" The bully screamed. Your legs were so tired that you fell on the ground. The smasher grabbed you by the shirt and slammed you on a wall. He/she then punched you in the stomach and let you go to fall on the ground once again. You felt sick to your stomach from the punch and threw up blood on the concrete. The others laughed like maniacs watching you suffer. You kicked them on the legs and took that chance to unlock your door and went inside your house.

"This isn't the end,(Y/N). This isn't the end," and with that, the bullies we're gone. You sat down in front of your door, held your knees close to your chest and cried your heart out.

"M-m-maybe I-I should g-go back t-to where I-I belong," you stuttered. "In hell. I-I W-WAS JUST A F-FREAKING ACCIDENT! I D-DONT BELONG I-IN T-THIS BROKEN W-WORLD!!" You stormed up to your room and locked the door.

You layed on your bed and stuffed your face into your pillow and started crying again.

"That's the l-last straw," you muttered to yourself.

~~~The next day~~~

You sat at the cliff, enjoying the last few minutes of your life. You checked your watch; 4:45.

"I'll miss you, Robin. You we're my best friend. I wish we could've been more than that," You held your best friend necklace he gave you close to your chest. You inched closer to the cliff to the point with one more step you would fall.

"(Y/N)?" You heard a faint voice in the distance. "What are you doing?"

You turned around to see your best friend, Robin. Tears streamed down your face looking at him.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing at the edge of the cliff? You do know that it is very dangerous to step on the edge," Robin lectured. Robin walked behind you.

"R-Robin...I'm sorry. I have to do this," and with that, you jumped off the cliff.

"(Y/N)!!" Robin grabbed your wrist and pulled you up before it was to late.

"(Y/N), please don't do it. Please don't leave me," Robin pleaded. You looked away from him. You snatched your wrist away from him and walked towards the edge of the cliff.

You stared down, wondering how everyone would handle your death.

"Robin. I have to. No one wants me here," you said, now crying.

"I WANT YOU HERE! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!" Robin screamed, falling to his knees. You walked towards Robin and kneeled down to him.

He looked up to you and without warning you, he planted a kiss on your lips. You pulled back to realize you still didn't jump off the cliff.

Robin picked you up and hugged you. Someone still wanted you I'm this so called broken world, and it was Robin.

"Your not gonna leave me, right?" Robin asked. You stayed silent for a minute. "(Y/N), if those bullies ever bother you again, let me know. Please."

"Okay. I won't leave you," And with that, Robin planted another kiss on your lips.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I didn't update in such a long time. Ok, so you guys might hate me now if I day this, but... I might not continue this story. Why? You may be asking. Well, it's cause something happened and I really don't feel like writing anymore. But it's nothing bad I promise! I might make a part two for the one shots or something if I ever get the chance to. Ill still be continuing "Learn, Live and Love: SSB Fanfic" but there will be REALLY SLOW UPDATES. Anyways, I hope you guys really liked my story. I love each and everyone of you. Stay awesome.

(By the way you also may be wondering why there is no picture for this chapter. That is because I couldn't find a decent one so yeah. XD)

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