The lost friend and my broken heart

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I left the room looking for Wade to ask him about this guy named Mark. I was half way down the hall when Wade called "Find anything!",.
I turned around to see Wade at the other end of the wall walking closer.
"I couldn't find anything that we could use, how about you?", He asked.
"Yea and I wanted to ask you if you knew of a guy named Mark", I said handing the ID card to him.
His face turned white when I handed it to him.
"Yes, me and him were great friends and this use to be his house. We use to sit for hours on end playing Skate 3 on the xbox in that room but, one day Mark disappeared like everyone else who heard of the virus", Wade explained. "I did not leave thinking that Mark would come back looking for me, but he never did",.
"He left this for you", i said pulling out the wooden box and opened it with the key.
I handed him the hand gun and the folded note. Wade inspected the gun then opened the note. He cracked a smile then a tear went down his face.
"He did not forget about me", Wade snuffled. "He is still out there",.
"And that means that one day you will see Mark again", I said.
He smiled at me.
"Yea, I guess", he responded.
Wade stuffed the note in to his pocket then put the gun in to the other.
"Come on we need to leave", I said pulling his arm towards the stairs.
"Let's go", wade said.
We both went down the stairs where the group was. Right when we walked in Ava said" WHAT TOOK YOU ALL SO LONG?",.
"We were looking for supplies but now we are ready to go",  I said.
"About time", Ava said.
"Now let's go", Fritz said leading us outside.
I walked to the front of the group and told Fritz I would lead for a while. We were about to cross the Ohio State line when I heard a sound that broken my ears.
"What was that?", I asked.
"It seemed to be coming from over there", Mike said.
Me and the group walked to where the screams where coming from. A bunch of pine trees stood in our way but we pushed through to find a horrific sight.
A group of zombies as attacking a guy maybe the same age as Wade.
"Oh my god I know that guy", Wade exclaimed.
"You do?", I questioned.
"No time to explain we need to save him", Wade said charging at the hoard of zombies.
"Him and his friend will get killed if we don't do something", Kate said panicking.
"Chill out we will just surround the hoard and attack", I said. "Take your formation",.
We all ran to where Wade and his friend were.
"We can do this now ATTACK!", I screamed.
It was bloody chaos from there. Zombie screeches and the infected limbs everywhere.
I kicked a zombie in the stomach than stabbed it with my knife in the head. The next zombie was a piece of cake because I just totally sliced his head off with the knife. Then silence filled the area.
I had a big scratch on my cheek from a zombie but I was fine. I look at every one else.
"Let's see role call Fritz", I said.
"Here", he answered.
"Wade you and your friend safe", I asked.
"Yea still alive", Wade smiled.
"Mike", I said. No response
"Mike", I said again now getting worried.
"Mike,please stop fooling around an....", I began but was stopped by Kate screaming.
"Oh my god Mike..!", Kate screamed.
I ran over to where she was to see Mikes body laying on the ground.
He had a few bite marks but still thriving.
I knelt down and grabbed his hand. It felt cold like ice.
I felt a tear run down my face.
"Why...god darn...why him?", I asked sobbing.
I closed my eyes and wished it was all a dream. But it soon came to me that it wasn't. It was reality.
I looked in to Mikes face. His eyes sealed closed and his shirt scratched up.
Then he coughed and his eyes opened slightly.
"Maddie..if I don't make it *cough* I want you to keep Wade and the group... safe.. you were born to lead this *cough* group.. even with out me", Mike stuttered.
"No I am not leaving with out you, Mike, I need you", I cried.
"Maddie I know you need me need to lead the group...*cough/growl*..
I Love You...*growl*...Maddie", Mike said.
"He is getting infected already we need to move", Fritz sniffled.
"Maddie..Please try to understand that you could die if we were to leave you", Kate said.
"What if I was suppose to die... I wish it was me not him", I said.
Kate ran over to me and picked me up in a hug.
"It was Mikes time not yours", she whispered to me.
I closed my eyes and again wished it as a dream. A bad dream. But i knew the truth. Mike was gone.

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