⇔Bucky Catchup (Part 2)⇔

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I know this is really late so please forgive me. If I accidentally miss a preference please tell me.

How you sleep

You sleep on Bucky's human arm. He sleeps on his back, his fingers go around your shoulder as his head is on top of yours. Your head buried in his neck.

Contact Names

Yours in his- My everything *rose and red heart emoji*

His in yours- My cute Russian *Russian flag and red heart emoji*

He sees you changing/half naked

Being a clutz, you had accidentally spilled a bucket, a HUGE bucket, of water on your shirt and pants. You huffed and stomped into your bedroom, murmuring inaudible and unrepeatable things under your breath.

You took off your clothes, which was extremely hard, since they were soaked. You had finally taken off everything. You out on panties and a bra when your door flung open.

"Hey Dear I- Oh! Oooooh! My God, I am so sorry!" He said, not moving a muscle.

"Uh-Uh" You stuttered, looking for words as you reached for a shirt to cover yourself.

"I-It's okay, just- can you be sorry outside of the room?"

He nodded and stepped out, "I'm sorry."

Another avenger walks in on you

Bucky kissed down your neck as his fingers wandered under your shirt. He had you pinned on a table. You laughed/moaned as he sucked on the ticklish spot on your neck, causing him to smile against it. He licked his way up your neck and connected his lips with yours. Just then someone walked it, gasping and stopping in his tracks.

You both turned, wide eyed and saw Steve with a mild blush on his face. He stood there stunned at the sight before turning and walking out, murmuring sorry's and 'lock the door' on his way out.

Bucky started laughing when he left. He stopped laughing and put a smoldering look on his face. He then ripped of his shirt and attacked your neck with his lips.

How you wake him up

You usually play a weird drum solo on his arm. The noise usually wake him, but when it doesn't you shake him until he does.

You run into your obnoxious ex

You and Bucky were at a small coffee shop, just a casual Sunday. Bucky was going to get up, but then a male figure came walking towards you two.

Shit, shit, shit You thought as you saw who it was.

Your ex walked over to you two, smiling.

"(Y/N) I haven't seen you in so long!" He said, completely ignoring Bucky's existence.

"Y-You too, (Ex's name)" You said.

Bucky's eyebrows shot up at the name and he glared at the guy, "Excuse me, (ex's name), but what the hell do you want?"

"Wha-Why would you speak to someone you barely know like that?" Your ex asked in a gasp.

"Because I know enough." He said, rolling his sleeve up to show his metal arm.

"You know nothi-" Your ex's eyes widened and he excused himself, running up to whoever he was with.

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