My Benefactor Chapter Sixteen

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My Benefactor

Copyright © 2011 crimsonnebula

All rights reserved

Chapter Sixteen
Picture on the side is Luke  (Actor Chris Pine)

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Enjoy! (no proofreading done) I split this into two parts because its so long.


(Derek's POV)

Inside my mind, the word 'furious' was the understatement of the century.

Having a manipulative and controlling mother had in the space below my rib cage and above my stomach, started a burn of rage. Things were bad enough without consulting me that a date had been set for the wedding.

"What?" I screamed into the phone. "You or even Alexis didn't bother asking if it's alright?"

My mother sighed, "Derek, darling, calm down. This is not something to fuss about."

I scoffed at this. Trust my mother to ignore my flaring temper which she caused. "You expect me to calm down after you drop a bomb on me? Are you that eager to marry me off so early that you scheduled it two months away?! You're crazy! Both you and Alexis are crazy!"

She gasped, "Derek! Don't you dare raise your voice at me!"

"You know what? I've had enough! I had enough of your manipulation, your schemes; I'm sick of it."

"Derek Josef Kolinkar, watch your language." She scolded."This marriage is good for our clan and as for your status as an Elder."

All she ever cared was status, always had been. This speech was getting old."Goodbye, mother." I hanged up on her, giving no chance to retort back.

For some reason, I felt at ease. Relieved to be exact. This was the first time I stood up to my mother.

I groaned inwardly. Who am I kidding? She will always get her way, especially now, while I'm acting rebellious. She had centuries of practice.

With a grunt, I stood up from my reclining chair and left my study. The garden seemed an ideal place to take a breather, so I headed for the back door.

But someone just have to ring the doorbell.

"So much for peace and quiet." I grumbled, heading for the front door.

If it's Cooper, I'll kick his inhuman buttocks to the curb. I used my scanning energy to check if it's him, but the signature was different.

It was an Alerian. But something about this energy causes me to frown.


The doorbell rung again. "One or two rings are enough, you know!" I yelled. People are getting impatient nowadays. I swung the door open to greet my unexpected visitor.

"How may I help you?" I asked.

He looked nervous,"Hello. Does Reagan Sheldon live here?" When he saw me frown, he corrected himself,"Oh! Sorry. She goes by the last name Alden now. Is she here?"

Who is he and why is he asking for Reagan?"Who are you? What do you want with Reagan? Especially from an Alerian like you?" I prodded.

He sighed,"Please, Elder Kolinkar. I've been trying to keep in touch with her. When she was born, her mother refused to let me see her - not even a glimpse." He pleaded. So he knows who I am then.

"She's in school right now. Who are you?"

He gave me a small smile,"My name is Luke. I'm Reagan's real father."

That changes things.

I surreptitiously looked at him up and down. He had light brown hair that was styled in a scruffy disheveled manner. He had light blue eyes, identical to Reagan's. He had define cheekbones and angular features. His nose was slightly crooked, that surely badged himself for dealing countless of fights. But his eyes say it all, down pat. It's likeness to her own light blue orbs was a telltale that he was indeed Reagan's father.

I stepped aside to let him in,"Come in. Reagan will be home in a couple of hours, that is if you're willing to wait."

He stepped inside and turned to smile at me,"That's okay. I can wait. I really want to see her."

I closed the door and shrugged,"Alright, we could wait at the living room."

It was tense and awkward, standing in front of a man who hadn't felt a slightest hostility, since I was a vampire and he was an Alerian.

Two supernatural beings sworn to hate each other, but here we are standing next to each other without ripping each other's heads off.

A thought occurred to me.

If Luke was an Alerian, that means...

My thoughts were cut short when an electric current nipped at my skin.

That could only mean one thing.

Someone's teleporting.

To confirm my suspicion, there was a blurry figure near the stairs. In a matter of seconds, it materialized into someone that I didn't expect to have done that.


This was a big surprise for me. Why hadn't I seen this one coming? I lived with Reagan for two years, and she didn't show any sign that she was a supernatural being.

I tuned into her energy and was shocked to know the signature was similar to Luke's.

My little one, my love, was an Alerian.

But there was something more that what she and Luke let on.

"Reagan?" I asked, finally finding my voice.

Reagan turned around and her eyes widened when she saw us.

I could definitely tell that expression she held was 'a deer caught in headlights' look.

In lay mans term, busted.

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