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Diana POV.

"Diana, this is Grayson. Your new partner." Dr. Hemming says.

Grayson seemed to be nervous about this situation, but I can't blame him.

"I leave you two alone, to get to know each other." Dr. Hemming says walking out.

"G-Grayson, you didn't have to do this." I sigh, stepping closer to him. "I know." He responds back, "Then why did you do it? I know it's hard for you." I say actually knowing this is hard for him.

"I honestly don't know." He sighs, and deep inside, I knew Grayson wasn't what everyone assumed he is.

And even though I know I would probably regret this later, I risked it. I put my hand on top of his, that was resting on his thigh, giving it a slight squeeze.

He flinches, and tenses up. It was so noticeable. And I couldn't help but feel pity for him, "Thank you so much Grayson." I say giving him a weak smile. He raises his eyebrows once again, shocked looking.

I look deep into his light brown eyes, he truly is a mystery.
{a/n} holy poop, this chapter is so short forgive me my beautiful loves please. I promise the next chapter will be longer and better.

And I just wanna give oreolovinq a shout out because she is an AMAZING writer! You should defiantly check out her dolan story "Getting Zoned"! I love it! It's AMAZING! And check out her other stories too ;)

ily guys, stay awesome.❤✌

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