Family Issues

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a Temp story*

"Do you think this is easy on me, there's no support group for new found incest!"

     After the encounter with his mother and new found older half-sister in Vegas, Temp was in a tailspin. He felt betrayed by his mother for not telling him about Rae, confused as to how he couldn't have seen the resemblance between them, and freaking out about almost sleeping with her. After a couple of days mulling this over, he decided to go to a professional to deal with this dilemma. He scheduled an appointment for two hours with the best in New York, Dr. Lena Harris.

     The woman was known for her many published papers about how environment and personal experience can effect one's psyche. Lena Harris was a middle-aged woman with honey brown hair that was always in a chiffon updo and wore casual business suits to every one of her sessions. She was sitting is a winged back chair when Temp walked through her door into the office. The office itself was a free flowing area that gave a pleasant calmness for clients to feel at ease. Temp nervously took a seat on the light leather loveseat in front of Dr. Harris, his appearance a little altered to seem more human than he would normally do.

     "Hello Mr. Versa, what can I do for you today?" she said with a polite tone and smile as she said his alias. Temp took a moment before diving into the story of the confrontation in Los Vegas. By the time he finished, she was staring at him with a perplexed look. In all her years of being a psychiatrist, she never truly met a case like this. A moment after reviewing her notes on the subject, she finally asked "When did this occur?"

     "About a week or two ago..." Temp answered in relief, finally getting it off his chest, even if it's costing him over a grand an hour. "Well, it seems to me that you have some unresolved issues with your mother and sister that needs to be cleared up in order to achieve a healthy relationship with mom and start a relationship with your older sister."

     "How am I supposed to do that when my mother is flippant about everything and is slightly self-centered while my sister hates my guts and never wants to see my face again!" he rants at her, while giving a look that said she was the one with the issues here and not him.

     'Honestly, Rae would probably skin me alive if I come within 20 feet of her and mom would probably pout about it later after a manicure.'  Temp thought after his rant at the pretty doctor. Lena was now looking up at Temp with wide eyes as he, unbeknownst to himself, stood up during his tirade and ended with him at his full height. 'I think he just blew a gasket or popped a vein during that speech...' she thought as she processed this new snippet.

     "My only advice is to get some closure or answers if you will and create some bonds. We only live for so long and only have one life, you should reconsider. Also, why does your sister hate you?" Lena huffed, exasperated by the ridiculous notion of his. "She hates me because I'm the product of our mother running out on her and running away with my father." Temp paced as he explained, fudging little bits and piece of the actual true because the doctor was an ignorant human to his kind; 'Plus she's also part demon hunter, so she probably knows how to and quickly kill me and mom...' he added mentally.

     "Hmm... Now I see where the hostility comes in and still my advice to get closure, make bonds, and you might want to take it slow if what you say about your sister is true." Lena concluded as she glanced at the clock; see that two and a half hours had passed by during their session. "Now this concludes our session Mr. Versa, hope this at least helps you a little bit with your problem and I'd work on my reflexes if your sister really does try to kill you. Have a nice day."

     Temp froze as he heard the last bit on his way to the door. 'How the hell...' he thought as he turned back to her; a look of confusion, shock, and suspicion on his face. She just stood in front of her cherry wood desk, notebook in hand; smirk on her lips with the sun highlighting her through the window wall as a background, giving a slight sinister look to her person. "You're probably wondering how I knew and what I am." She spoke calmly and casually, as if they were talking about the weather. He slowly nodded his head taking a small step forward, readying himself if needed for an attack.

     "Well, to put your suspicions to rest and prevent me from getting an even bigger headache... I'm a witch and your mental barriers are almost pathetic compared to most humans, Halfling." Lena explained in a half-enthused way like it's the hundredth time saying it. Temp was shocked; he didn't sense anything while walking into the building and even the room. "B.B..But, how didn't I sense you?! Or even catch a whiff of magic?" he stuttered; usually he took pride in his sensory skills and for something like this to get past him was extremely rare and scary for him.

     "That's because I'm older and more experienced when dealing with magic. Incubi and succubi are always flippant on using it and only focus on their appearances; including half-breeds." she huffed as she checked and cleaned her nails; not paying an ounce of attention to him like it was common sense. He paused to consider her answer, knowing that it was true throughout the magical community that incubi and succubi were powerful beings; but vain and used glamor to make themselves more appealing for prey.

     "So is that all or are you going to need to schedule another appointment sir?" Lena gave a professional smile with the question, signaling that this discussion was over and done with for the day. Temp thought about it, wondering what would happen if he did another session but didn't want to risk the possibilities of something happening. "No that will be all. Maybe, you'd be interested in a date with me?" he smirked as he became his flirty fun-self again.

     This made Lena giggle, seeing the humor and amusement in his eyes that told her he was trying to defuse the tension in the room. "No thank you, I'd like to be about to walk and remember the next day. Plus, I don't go for pretty boys." she countered with a laugh that caused him to laugh in return, relieved she saw the humor in him question. With that they bid each other goodbye and Temp started him way out of the building.

     After existing and making his way to the street to hail a cab to his hotel, he recapped the whole experience again trying to see if there were any hints of her nature. The only thing he could come up with was the small chest on her desk and the bracelet she wore as he stepped into the cab that stopped for him. 'Seems like I need to be more observant in my surroundings from now on...and she was pretty...for a witch.' he chuckled at the thought as the cab drove away and glanced up towards her office to see her standing at the window with a smirk still on her face.

     He gave her a last wink before turning forward and started thinking about his plans for the night. 'Now to plan for tonight's fun, hit the clubs and probably pick up a few chicks...probably drink...I wonder if she'll be out and about as well...'

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