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Steve's PoV


The Stork Club had turned from a group of people who were out having a pleasant drink, to a stampede of crazy fans, pushing and shoving, trying to reach Captain America. Most didn't believe it, and so they wanted to see for themselves, others just got caught in the middle of it all and had no choice but to push back.

Peggy was shoved into Steve, who reacted immediately and caught her. He helped her stand up straight and their eyes met. They stood there for a few seconds, getting lost in the other's eyes. Just as Peggy opened her mouth to say something, she was ripped roughly from his arms.

"Peggy!" He shouted, reaching his hand out, trying to grab hers over the sea of people.

"Steve!" He heard her call, stretching to reach him, but it was no use. They were getting pushed further and further apart.

He saw her being grabbed from behind and lifted away. His stomach dropped. His attention was dragged away from her with a punch to the side. He looked around and saw that a fight had already broken out.

"For goodness sake," he thought, shaking his head.

He glanced back at Peggy and saw that she had turned the tables on her attacker. She had the man completely incapacitated by twisting his own arm but his back at a painful angle. He smiled slightly at her work.

"That's her," he thought as he dodged another fist and an elbow. "That's the Peggy Carter I know and love."

As the fight got worse, he decided he needed to get out of here. Him being there had started it all and if he stayed there was no chance of it stopping. It wasn't like he was going to knock out a bunch of civilians, just because they were fighting. That wasn't who he was.

He looked for a gap in the group, knowing he'd have to move quickly if he wanted to make it through before the gap closed again. He was in military defence mode now, no attacking, just moving and blocking. That's the way he navigated his way through the crowd.

"Move. Dodge. Quick duck. Block. Move. Back-step. Block. Side-step. Dodge, woah dodge. Watch your back Steve. Move now," he thought to himself as his body reacted.

He reached the door within a few minutes, only getting hit by a couple swings he had missed and only shoving back when absolutely necessary.

As he stepped outside, he took a deep breath, breathing in the cold, smoking air of his beloved city. He stood there for moment in a daze, looking at the lights around him and taking in the New York night sky. He quickly remember where he was and turned around, looking for her. He couldn't see her anywhere, nor him. He hoped that she had already left. Being caught at a fight like this by the police would have led to an arrest, and, being an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., she would have to lie her way out to avoid awkward questions.

Taking into account what Howard had told him, S.H.I.E.L.D. was kept a secret from nearly everyone. That meant that Peggy more than likely had to lie to Sergeant Woods. Basically, she really would have been up the creek without a paddle.

He moved down the street slightly, keeping an eye out.

"She'll be alright," he thought. "Woods would take care of her," he paused. "What am I saying? Peggy can take care of herself. Woods wouldn't be taking care of Peggy. Peggy would be the one taking care of Woods." He smiled to himself, knowing that he was right.

He straightened his tie and continued down the street, away from the club and, without knowing it, Peggy. He hailed a cab, figuring it would be too far a walk, and as he climbed in he took out his keys to get his address. He smiled at Howard's humour as he read the address in his head.

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