Chapter 8

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'Scar thinking/talking with Fox'
'Fox talking'

Just a small while ago, a group of men who the leader ended up being called Kimoro surrounded Scar and Zeroko. They had no idea what to do so Scar had grabbed her and tried to jump away from them but failed cause a portal opened up above him and since he had jumped, he couldn't do anything but go up into the portal. He had landed on a cold ground and everything went dark.

When he awoke, Scar was strapped to a steel table and he looks around. He wasn't in a lab. Well, it didn't look like a lab. More like a prison room. Except it was a small dome that was literally empty except for the table he was strapped to and the door in front of him a short distance away. He looks at the steel straps on his wrists and ankles and sighs. "What did I get myself into?"

He looks up whenever the leader walked back in with a smirk on his face. Scar glared at him as another person was walking behind him. Someone he recognized quite easily. "What's up Shark mouth? Didn't expect to see you here." Scar said to Zabuza. Zabuza wasn't a Rouge ninja at the time and Scar knew this. He knew that Zabuza beat him badly last time but he was surprised to see him again.

"Zabuza has a proposition for you." Kimoro said and Scar scoffs. "Not interested." He replied and Kimoro chuckles. "You aren't very bright are you?" Scar rolls his eyes and looks at them. "I'm not a star. I don't glow at night or anything so no. I'm not that bright. But I am smarter than you idiots." Zabuza staid silent and Scar raises an eyebrow. "Why is Jaws so silent? Did I strike a nerve?"

This made Zabuza smirk under his bandages. "I want you to come be my apprentice." Scar raises an eyebrow before busting out laughing but then immediately glares at him. "You must have lost your mind." Zabuza didn't laugh and he didn't have that big of an attitude surprisingly. "My daughter ran away after the graduation exam and I need a new apprentice."

"If your daughter ran away, I certainly can't blame her. Your graduation exam is sick dude." Kimoro looked at Zabuza then Scar and Zabuza told him to leave in which he scoffs but leaves. "You wouldn't have any trouble in it. You already kill for fun." Scar rolls his eyes. "Killing for fun and killing to survive are two different things. I don't kill because it's fun. I kill because I have to. And you're at the top of my kill list right now. Besides, don't you already have some chick besides your daughter or something like that? You don't need me."

This was really starting to get on his nerves now. Kerma could tell too and he had a smirk on his face now. 'I'll take care of this.' Scar heard him and Zabuza noticed the smirk. "You find something amusing?" Scar grins at him.

"There are several things that you didn't think about. We're both stuck in this room and I happen to be a deadly psychopath." The room started to tremble as he glares at Zabuza and clenched his fists tightly as he grunts and his eyes start twitching before they change color. They were now pitch black and his pupils had turned into white slits. His hands were growing claws now instead of nails as his feet also grew claws.

He starts to growl at him and Kimoro simply walks back into the room and smirks. "Very well done. You seem to have brought out Kerma. How lucky for us." Scar growled at him as the steel straps flew off of him and as soon as he sits up, Kimoro presses a button in his pocket as Scar's eyes widen and he immediately grabs his head as he starts to scream. Kimoro simply watches as he smirks.

Scar continued to scream as he fell off the steel table and holds his head more with his eyes wide. His claws start to disappear and his eyes slowly return to normal as a black, dirty and terrible chakra starts to fill the air. It surrounds him as he grips his head tighter and Kimoro presses the button again and Scar stops screaming as the button was pressed again.


Zeroko was stuck in a cell, simply sitting there really. She was seriously pissed off but she couldn't do anything to get out. As she waited, she couldn't hear the screaming cause of how far off the room was to where she was but something she immediately heard was a huge explosion. She immediately sat up and walked over to the front of the cell and so did a few other people that were stuck in there.


Back where Scar is, Scar was on the floor of the room with a bunch of destroyed wall chunks all over the place. The roof had a hole that was beyond huge. Kimoro and Zabuza were looking up with a smirk on Kimoro's face. In front of them was an enormous black and grey Fox with black eyes and white slits and 18 tails waving around angrily.

'So you think that you can do anything to me at all? You're even dumber than the kid!' He roared angrily at them which knocked them back a bit. "We do believe that we can defeat you without a problem Kerma." He simply said but before anything could be done, Kerma had gone down and chomped right on Kimoro's head and flung him as hard as he could. His head flew a very far distance away from his body which flew straight up until Kerma caught it in his mouth and glared down at Zabuza but he knew that Scar wanted him so he poofed away shortly after.

Zabuza looks down at Scar as the debris that was around him starts to float up into the air. The black chakra surrounds him once more with a black chakra tail sticking out and ears as well as he growls angrily. His claws were back and so were his eyes. He slowly stands up and looks up at Zabuza as he growls loudly which caused a huge current of air to shoot out everywhere, pushing away the table and the debris and even Zabuza.

He stared at him with pure blood lust in his eyes as he approaches Zabuza. Zabuza got up as he made a few hand signs and mist started to surround them. Scar stops walking and looks around. He stays calm for a second before zooming to the edge of the room and tackling Zabuza right through the wall and outside into the forest field. Scar rolled once before his feet skidded on the dirt as Zabuza rolled violently and slammed into a tree.

"Much stronger than I expected." Zabuza simply said as he makes a water clone behind Scar. The clone uses the sword to slash at Scar's back which received a loud and painful snarl as he turned around punched the clones head right off. The clone disappeared and the real one was already in front of him with the sword raised. He slashed it down which made him growl loudly in pain before kicking him away.

"That hurt you bitch!" Scar growled at him. "That's a foul mouth for such a young boy." Scar charged at him with blinding speed as a second chakra tail sprouted out but Zabuza knocked him away with the sword, slashing at his chest making him soar into the water. The water turned red with blood but Scar immediately shot out and growled angrier at him as his hand starts to glow before wind starts coming together on it in the shape of a circle. The wind soon turned black as the ball known as the rasengan formed completely in his hand.

He shot towards Zabuza and was about to hit him but Zabuza dodged and kicked him away. Scar's eyes widened as the Rasengan hit the tree and made an enormous explosion which left a huge crater there as Scar soars back against the wall of the factory that he was in. Zeroko walked out through the hole and looked around. She saw Scar and her eyes widen as she glared at Zabuza. "Hey! What gives!?" Zabuza smirked and charged at her but Scar roughly tackled his side and they both fell in the water this time but it didn't take long for Scar to shoot out of the water in the mouth of a water dragon and slam into the floor.

Zeroko quickly runs over to him and helps him up and Zabuza walks out of the water as mist starts to form again. Oh not this again. Scar looks around as a 3rd tail forms out of chakra and he looks around. He turns around to see that Zeroko was gone and his eyes widened as he looks around. Why couldn't he sense anyone? The mist disappeared and Zabuza was gone. But so was Zeroko. The chakra disappeared as his eyes widen as he looks around. He falls on his knees and clenched his teeth before slamming his fist into the ground. "Damn it!" He yelled out.

"I'm gonna find you Zabuza. And I'm gonna rip off your head!" He clenched his fists together on the floor and growled angrily.

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