Chapter 16

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I sat back stage watching the boys preform. My body swayed to the rhythm. I loved coming up here and watching them. It never got old. I wondered what it would be like to watch them from the crowd. I wounder what my life would have been like if I'd just been a normal fan. Would they have even acknowledged me?
probably not. I would have been lost in a sea of many nameless, faceless fans. Don't get me wrong. The boys loved their fans. But after being so many places, names and faces blurred. I sighed and closed my eyes. Leaning against the wall for support. What would my life be like without Andy?
After the show Andy ran back stage and greeted me with a big kiss. "Guess what Faye?" Andy seemed like an excited school boy. I giggled. "What?" "We're staying in a hotel since we don't have to leave for the next two days!" I threw my fist up in the air and gave a victory yell. Andy laughed and kissed my forehead.
"Wanna come down and meet some fans with us?" "Are you crazy? Those fan girls would tear me apart!" Andy chuckled at that and intwined his fingers with mine. "I'll protect you." Who could say no to that? I thought dreamily as he pulled me out to where the other boys sat under a tent. A crowd of people waiting screamed when they saw Andy. He smiled and waved at them.

--time skip--

"I'm never going to go with you to a signing or a fan meet ever again. "I said with a laugh as Andy led me to the tour bus. "Why not?" He stoped pulling me to his chest. I laughed. "Those fan girls looked like they were gonna tear me apart." He chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll protect you from those bloody thirsty crazed fan girls." "My hero." I pretended to swoon. He laughed and kissed me gently. "You are such a dork."
"True, but im your dork." I teased. "Then marry me Faye." He became dead serious so quickly, i was startled. "..Maybe." I mumbled. He smiled like a dork. "That wasn't a no!" He said jumping around me excitedly. "But it wasn't a yes either." I pointed out. He stoped and stared at me. "You're going to kill me with this waiting shit." He mumbled. "You'll get it soon." I stood on my tip-toes and kissed Andy's lips gently. I already knew what my answer was, but he didnt need to know that. I skipped to the bus and flung the door open. "MAMA JINXX!" I yelled. The other boys laughed as Jinxx rolled off his bed. "What?" He rubbed his eyes. "Sorry, did i wake you?" I asked as i kissed his cheek. He smiled and hugged me.
"Its fine baby girl." I beamed at him and then climbed up on Andy's bed to wait for him. Andy strolled through the door. "Hey mama Jinxx." He teased before joining me on the bed. He laid on his side and pulled me to his chest. I kissed his neck then yawned. "Wake us up when we get to the hotle." Andy said. Jake laughed and Ashley said, "That's probably gonna be the only sleep they get tonight." A few minutes later i heard a loud smack and a cry of pain from Ashley. "I'd rather you didn't talk about my daughter that way!" I smiled into Andy's chest. 'Ashy has a good point though daddy'. I thought smugly to myself before drifting off to sleep.

--the final stop--
I sat on the bed staring at my hands. Today was the day, I had to give my answer to Andy. Is this the life i wanted? Did i want to give up my childhood to be with him? Did i really love him that much? Jinxx poked his head in the bus. "Come on Faye." He said smiling at me. The other boys were already on stage.
I took a deep breath . "I'm ready" Whispered and walked out the door. Jinxx kissed my head. "You'll be okay." He whispered. I smiled gently at him and walked backstage.
The band was amazing like usual, but suddenly in the middle of Lost it all, Andy stopped singing. "Guys im sorry, but i cant keep going on with the show. There is something important i need to know." Andy looked back at me and smiled. "Faye, come here." I hesitantly walked on to the stage. When i got in front of Andy, he dropped to one knee. "Andy, what are you?" I whispered. He dug a box out of his pocket. "I'm tired of waiting Faye, will you marry me?" My hands flew to my mouth as i started at the beautiful sliver band with a demand sitting in the middle.
"Andy I.." Suddenly everything I've been asking myself, i knew the answer to.. I smiled as tears began falling down my face. "Yes..Yes..YES!" I screamed. I heard the crowd aww, I chose to ignore the boos. Andy slide the ring on my finger and picked me up. He spun me around in circles before pressing his lips to mine. "Forever Faye." He whispered.


A/n: Okay guys, dont kill me. There is a second part to this. I have already started the story and will be posting it on here soon. And by soon, i mean tomorrow. I'll post a link to it in another chapter. 

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