Chapter 10

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"What's that book?" Taehyung asked and walked closer towards me.

I quickly stood up and slightly pushed him away, "Nothing, let's go have dinner."

"I said what's that book?" Taehyung repeated his question and I was getting real panicky.

"I SAID NOTHING!" I yelled anxiously. I was too nervous I almost peed myself a little.

Taehyung stared into my eyes for a few moments, and the next thing I knew, he pushed me onto the bed harshly and trapped me with his body.

"KIM TAEEHYYUNGG!!!" I yelled helplessly and tried to free myself but it was useless.

Taehyung tried to search for my diary from under the blanket. "Got it!" he raised the book up high so I couldn't grab it back. He finally got off me and stood up, trying to flip through the book but I quickly attempted to snatch the book back but instead Taehyung fell onto the bed again, landing on top of me.

And then soon, there was a wrestling match on the bed.

About five minutes later, the book was in my possession and we finally stopped our cat-fighting. My hair was in a mess, and my bed sheet was all over the place.

I breathed heavily and glared at Taehyung. "Don't you dare touch this book ever again."

"Is that a diary?" he asked.

"It's not," I lied.

"Such a liar," he said to me, "I saw 'Dear Diary' and I saw 'Kim Taehyung'."


"What? I never wrote your name down before," I shamelessly lied again.

"Yeah yeah whatever," he took a pillow and threw to my face. Taehyung then got up. "Let's go have dinner," he said and walked out of my room, closing the door shut behind him.

I sighed and fixed my hair with one hand and the other was still hugging my diary.

Where should I keep this?

- taehyung's POV -

I walked out of Hyejin's room and was about to make my way downstairs to the kitchen, but then I got curious about her diary again, so I went back to her room and slightly opened the door without making a sound.

I peeked inside and saw her keeping her diary under her bed. I smirked, I'll come back.

I quickly ran off to the kitchen and prepared two bowls of cereals, still smiling about the diary. She must've wrote so much about me.

I put the two bowls on the dining table and Hyejin then came to sit with me. We started eating quietly. We're naturally silent when we eat.

"My head hurts," Hyejin suddenly spoke, "Do you have any head ache pills?"

I shook my head.

Hyejin gave me puppy eyes, "Taaeehyunggg, can you please go out and buy-"

"Nope," I cut her off.

She sighed, "Fine, I'll go purchase them myself."

She got up from her seat and headed out to get her pills. I smirked, this is the chance. I made sure she was already out before I quickly ran up to her room excitedly, in search for her diary.

I turned on the lights, and walked towards her bed. I peeked under it, and yes, it was there. I smiled and quickly grabbed it. I sat on the bed, flipping through the pages, skimming through to find for an entry about me.

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