Chapter 40 (!!!)

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(A/N: wow! Chapter 40!!!!)

Alexander's POV

"Babe," I whisper, shaking Isabelle. "Wake up, you have to take your medicine."

"Mmhhff," she mumbles.

"Come on," I coo. "Just for a second."

She sits up and tries to smile at me. Wow. She's really feeling bad. I feel terrible.

"Here, take this," I say, handing her a spoonful of grape medicine.

"I'm not going to drink that putrid garbage," she tells me.

"It's not that bad, it's grape," I say.

"Grape?" She asks. "Grape? More like crap."

I try to contain a chuckle but it comes out anyways. Stop it Xander! You're trying to be serious.

"Come on, you baby," I taunt.

"Oh, really?" She asks in disbelief. "I'm the baby? Huh? I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you're pregnant with twins and have terrible stomach pains."

"Sorry," I mumble.

"It's okay," she smiles.

She takes the medicine from my hand and drinks it. Good, that should make her feel better.

"Y'know," I begin. "I would take your place in an instant if I could, Isabelle."

"Thanks, but you don't want to," she laughs.

"No, really, I would."

"Well, thanks for letting me know."

I lean in and give her a kiss on the forehead. I don't want to get sick, too.

"You can go back to sleep if you want," I offer. "I'll go get you some water and some of your Nutella tortilla stuff."

"Add some marshmallows to it please, too," she says.

"Okay," I reply, smiling.

"Have a good sleep, Izzy."

"You, too."

"I'm not going to sleep, babe."

Before she can reply, she drifts back to sleep. Gosh, she's tired. Really tired.




Hay mustaches!!!

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