28-Dumbledore Has News

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Leo's POV

"Wilby?" I said incredulously. I looked around the room, but Wilby wasn't present, nor was Drew.

"Who's Will Bee?" Nico asked. "Oh, never mind."

For some reason, Annabeth didn't look convinced, "Why would be put his own name on the paper? I bet somebody framed him." She turned back to Sylvia, "Did you see the person who gave it to you?"

She shook her head, "No, it was just on my bed last night."

"So it's a Gryffindor!" Percy concluded.

"Not necessarily," I said, I was remembering something Drew said one time, It's the easiest thing in the world to get into other Houses' common rooms.

Annabeth seemed to be thinking the same thing, "You didn't have a clue who put it there? When you found it I mean."

"I didn't care, I just liked the necklace," Sylvia eyed the necklace like she wanted to take it back and die.

"Oh. Well has it gotten smaller in the other classes?"


"You had it on the whole day?"


"Uh," I interrupted, "shouldn't we like, find Wilby or something?"

Annabeth nodded distractedly, "I suppose. Ask Hermione for the Marauder's Map, she or Harry might have it."

"The what Map?"

She waved me on, staring at the necklace. I could practically see the gears working in her brilliant brain.

I asked Hermione for Mah Otter's Map. She gave me a weird look until realizing what I meant, "Oh! I think Harry has it."

She quickly tapped Harry on the shoulder, "May I have the Marauder's Map?"

Harry handed it to her without a word.

"Thank you," Hermione tapped it with her wand. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

I blinked in pleasant surprise, "You are?"

Hermione shushed me, "Look."

Ink appeared on the parchment until a drawing of Hogwarts appeared, with the words, Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present THE MARAUDER'S MAP

I opened it, and a giant map of Hogwarts unfolded, "Whoa."

Clusters of footprints were in the classrooms. Filius Flitwick's name appeared next to a pair of footprints, which were facing two students' names. Lester Crosswood and Isaac Piramid, who were probably the ones who had caused the fireworks.

Dumbledore was pacing his office, Drew was in her dormitory staring at the wall, and I wasn't sure what Wilby was doing. He was in one of the corridors on the second floor, facing the staircase. He seemed to be going in a slow circle. The weird thing was that his feet weren't moving, but he was still moving. Like he was gliding or something.

"I'm going to find Wilby," I said, "come on Pipes. You too Jason."

We were about to leave when Isabell Kabrat ran up to us, "I'll come with you!"

"No," I said instantly. She looked at us kind of wide-eyed. I recognized the look. She was panicking, but trying to act like nothing was wrong.

Isabell glanced at Annabeth, who had the necklace on the desk and was shooting spells at it experimentally. Isabell turned back to us, "Let me out!"

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