Chapter 7.

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I awoke immediately frightened, I was still very aware of what had happened. I slowly lifted my head from the damp soiled grown, wiping dark wet strands of hair away from my eyes. I scanned the dimly lit area, I inhaled the grainy smell of dirt. I was below ground.

The man knelt in the corner, he was mixing something in a tin blow. His arm moved in rapid speed, then, he looked at me. And stopped.

"Aw, you're awake."

I wasn't sure how I even fell asleep in the first place, I knew it was induced.

"Where am I?"

"Can't tell you."

Of course not. I felt my fingers dig into the dirt.

A large creature emerged from the darkness; going to the mans side.

A shrilled scream escaped my lips and I was quick to start backing myself into the muddy wall behind me, I looked on in bewilderment.

Black and tan fur covered its body, it stood on four sturdy legs and it had a very long unusual face.

"What's wrong with you?"

The man asked confused.

I watched - speechless.

He then lifted the blow and talked to the hairy creature.


The creature obey. I was even more astonished, what in the hell was it? - I had never seen anything like it before. I watched it eat, making fast time of the small meal. The creature lifted its head and stared at me, it's long pink tongue hung out of its mouth, and something inside me wanted to laugh. The creature then started to approach me - but I screamed again pushing myself as flat against the wall as possible. And it stood still, watching me in silence.

"What is it?"

I manage to let the words leave my throat.

The man looked at me as if I were joking - I wasn't.

"A dog."

He looks at me with confusion.

"You've never seen a dog?"

He asks.

"A dog."

I test the word on my lips.


I quickly answer.

"What the fucks wrong with you people?"

He then went onto dig in his backpack, I continued to examine this thing he called a 'dog' from afar. It's brown eyes eager to watch me as well. It breathed as though it had ran miles, its tongue counting rhythm with its intake of oxygen.

"Will it kill me?"

I asked. Causing the man to look up from the task he was on.

He laughed.

"No. I wish, he's as harmful as a fly."

Flies, I knew those well, disgusting annoying little creatures. I wonder if the dog was the same.

"It's a male?"

"Yes, his names Simon."

I eyed him - he had given it a name? A mans name. This caused me to come even more confused.

The creature approached me - this time closer than I liked, I could feel its hot breath tingle at my skin. It's large eyes looked into mine and a small kind of whistled whimper left its nostrils.

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