Why Does Hisoka Feel The Need To Test People INSIDE ANOTHER EXAM!?

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Chapter 3

"I made it in time." Gon says breathing hard.

Oh, he just got here? My smirk increases because I have been here for full minutes. Hisoka turns toward Gon with a creepy smile that is supposed to look insane, but instead I find it laughable.

"Not bad, boy." Hisoka says in a weird seductive voice that shouldn't be for a twelve year old boy. Gon looks to be shaking with anger. Go for it, go for it, I chant in my head, it would be entertaining to watch him lose control.

"Is that a fishing pole?" Hisoka asks, "What a fascinating weapon, allow me a closer look." He begins to slowly walk toward Gon his hand outstretched, nails sharpened to a point.

Leorio stupidly gets off the ground and charged toward Hisoka yelling that the fight is with him. I mentally facepalm and the increasing ignorance.

Hisoka casually punches Leorio so hard in the face he gets shot into the air and thrown a couple feet away. Gon quickly jumps to hit Hisoka with the fishing pole, but not fast enough. His fishing pole hits nothing but a memory.

"You came to rescue a friend?" Hisoka whispers in Gon's ear. Gon jumps away. How funny, I think to myself. Again Hisoka whispers in Gon's ear, "Such a good boy." This time Gon tries to hit Hisoka but doesn't hit him at all, another memory.

"Nice... Very nice... I am getting excited now." Hisoka says and casually walks toward Gon, who is failing at trying to wind the fishing string around him. Gon this time jumps at Hisoka with all his might, but Hisoka just grabs his neck and starts to choke Gon. Gon drops his fishing pole.

"How... Wonderful... I really do love that look." Hisoka says then drops him. "Do not fear I will not kill your friend, he passed." Hisoka smiles at Gon's confused and scared face. "Yes, you pass as well, grow up to become a fine hunter." Hisoka finishes.

His walkie talkie beeps and a voice tells him to get back because they are reaching the phase two site.

"Okay, I will be right there." Hisoka tells the person. Hisoka grabs Leorio and throws him over his shoulder and starts to walk off. When he disappears from Gon's view, I jump through the trees and quickly catch up to Hisoka, just as I hear Kurapika's voice calling for Gon.

"Why spare the boys?" I ask Hisoka. He turns to look down at me, his pace still a casual stroll.

"Ah, you were watching from the northwest side of the clearing, yes?" Hisoka asks.

"Yeah, that was me, but I still want to know why you didn't kill those three boys." I tell him, playing with some nen from my fingertips, making shapes and stuff.

"They're your friends right?" He seems amused, looking at the nen from my right hand shaped as a bear, brutally eating a man who looks like Leorio, from my left hand's nen.

"You could say they are my friends, but I have a habit not to make any real ones." I tell him honestly. Leorio shifts in Hisoka's shoulder.

"That boy, Gon, makes me excited, you know. I know you can see all that potential waiting to get out." Hisoka tells me, I nod. "It would be no fun, crushing a young boy like that when he can be so... entertaining later." Hisoka gets that pedofilic look in his eyes again, but it doesn't bother me. I have seen too many lustful men for it to bother me anymore.

"I see... Well, I better get back to Killua he is probably stupidly worrying about where I am. Bye now." I wave as I leap forward and disappear from his view and run toward Killua.

I meet up with Killua by the gates, there is zero fog here and the sunlight is actually very bright.

"Killua!" I shout. He turns toward me, I smile and wave, rushing toward him. Pretending I am out of breath, I say, "Sorry, I-I just really wanted to help Gon." I look around my head shaking,

"Where's Gon?" I ask. "I don't know, I hope he didn't get lost." Killua looks worried. "Oh, is the big bad assassin worried for his dear friend?" I ask in a baby voice ruffling his hair, taking a loose hair and quickly pocketing it.

"No," Killua turns to look away and blush, "Stop, you're embarrassing me." He whines.

"Awww, you are the cutest." I begin to squeeze his cheeks. Killua blushes even more. I stop when I see Gon and Kurapika coming toward us.

"Kurapika, Gon." I yell and beckon them toward us. They quickly walk to us.

"Where's Leorio?" Gon questions.

"Isn't that him over there?" I point toward Leorio completely passed out next to a tree. We all run toward him.

"Ugh, why am I all beat up?" He questions, "My memory is kind of hazy." Kurapika whispers to us not to tell him why. We all nod in agreement. Killua looks slightly confused, but it will pass.

"Wow, Gon although I am surprised that you actually made it." Killua states.

"I just followed the scent of Leorio's cologne." Gon replies.

"You really are weird." Killua tells Gon. We all laugh.

Then there is an announcement telling us that the second phase is going to start. The purple examiner takes off in the direction we came from and the gates in front of us open. There is a really fat man and a normal sized girl with funky hair. They introduce themselves as the next examiners.

Phase two is quickly explained as a cooking contest that must include pig. Oh, I am excited, I absolutely love cooking. I am so happy it includes meat. I would be eating meat all day if I could. Everyone looks confused and pissed, they think that it is going to be an easy phase, but I mostly likely have a drugged out expression and am drooling.

The exam starts and everyone rushes back into the forest to find a pig. I snap out of my trance and follow my new "friends." Gon slides down a hill and we all follow. We find the pigs who happen to be carnivores. They start to chase us and we all run away. We find out that their head are the weakness and everyone quickly captures a pig. We all drag our pigs back to the cooking station.

Everyone begins roasting their pig in the same manner. The first person brings up the whole pig, without making it look attractive. God, these people are stupid. I cut out the part that bacon is made from, which happens to be the fatty side of the belly, and begin to fry it. Adding it in between two slices of bread, lettuce, and tomato, I have created the classic BLT.

Because there was so much meat, I made many sandwiches. But, before I could stop myself, I started to eat them. One by one, the delicious sandwiches are devoured into my stomach. Before I know it, I had eaten all of my food, and realize I have nothing to give to the examiners. I have stupidly fail along with the rest of these incompetent people. Soon after everyone else failed the test, the head examiner comes and tells her to create a new test that people will actually be able to pass.

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