[1] The mark

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Paris' Pov:

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU" Everyone started clapping and cheering.

Technically, I wasn't 16 yet. Well, until midnight which is in 3 hours.

I grinned widely and shut my eyes, ready to say my wish, "I wish that my soulmate and I would have the most unique love story ever."

I opened my eyes and swiftly blew out the 16 candles flickering on the cake.

"Oh, my baby's all grown up now!" My mom hugged me, practically squeezing me to death.

"M-mom..." I grimaced from her overprotectiveness.

Mom quickly let me go, but with tears in her eyes, "Oh I'm sorry sweetie. But...its j-just that you're 16 now and you're all...g-grown up!"

I rolled my eyes but laughed, "Yes mom, I know. But I'll always be your daughter-"

"And you'll always be mine too!" My dad suddenly came up from behind and squeezed us all in a hug.

My parents and I have always been very close. We've never fought before and I guess that's why we're always happy and laughing.

Just then, my best friend, Scarlett came over. "Hey Paris! Oh my god I can't believe this will be the last time we'll ever see each other!"

Scarlett has been my best friend since we were 4, when she pushed me on the swings when I couldn't push it myself.

I sighed, "I know. I can't believe that tomorrow, I'll be leaving for London. It seems like only yesterday when I accidentally spilled chocolate milk all over you when we were 12 in front of everyone!"

"Hey! You said you'd never bring that up again you idiot." We both laughed.

My parents told me that when I was finally 16, I would be able to study overseas and hopefully find "the one". I always wished of visiting London and somehow, deep in my heart, I knew my soulmate was there too.

"I'm going to miss you so much you piece of trash." I laughed sadly and wrapped my arms around Scarlett.

"You promise that we'll keep in touch?" Scarlett pointed at me and I nodded, "Of course. We are best friends forever, right?"


"PARIS YOURE OFFICIALLY 16 NOW WHOOOOO!" Scarlett cheered and jumped up and down my bed.

All the guests have left except Scarlett, as she was sleeping over.

"I KNOW I AM IT FEELS SO EXCI-OW!" I cut off mid shriek due to a sharp prick I felt at my ankle.

I looked down and gasped.

There on my right ankle, was a black mark the size of a penny.

But the mark looked like a broken heart.


Aye so how was chapter 1? I'm sorry it sucks but it'll get better in the next few chapters I hope xx

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