Chapter 6

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Stiles POV
Derek dropped me off around elevan and shockingly my father was home from work. He left the porch light on, you could see the bugs swarming around it only landing for a mere second before jumping off.

Derek kissed me goodbye. It was a cherry on top of a perfect night.

My night was ruined as soon as I walked through the door though. My dad was once again drunk. Whenever he is working on a stressful case he drinks, when he drinks he's an asshole.

"Why are you home so late?" My dad snapped.

"I told you when I was going to be home. You told me that was fine?" I questioned.

"Don't fucking lie to me!" He yelled.

I sighed, "Dad, go to bed." I said turning to walk upstairs.

"Your mother would be so disappointed. She didn't raise a liar." He said coldly. I walked up to my room ignoring him.

I laid in bed drowning in my bad mood-thanks dad-when my phone went off. I saw Scott's name light up my screen.

"Hey." I answered.
"Hey, so know that party that got cancelled last weekend because someone told the cops about it?" He jumped right into it.
"Yeah?" I sat up.
"Well...people are saying you're the one that ratted out the party." He told me.
I laughed, "Why would I do that?" I asked.
"Cause you're the sheriff's kid." Scott replied.
"I've never ratted on any other party why would I rat on that one?" I seriously hate high school.
"I don't know, bro. I just thought I'd give you a heads up." I sighed.
"Thanks, Scott."


On Monday Scott came up to me all excited. "What?" I laughed. His smile grew, if that was possible.

"My mom's gone all weekend and I'm having a party. You have to come. No choice." He said proudly. I rolled my eyes.

"What if I have plans?" I asked.

"Bring the college guy with you." He laughed. "I'll see you in chemistry." He ran off talking to Allison. They started dating over the weekend, finally, and I don't think I've ever seen him this happy.


The party was honestly lame, I didn't like parties much to begin with. I sat in the kitchen almost all night texting Derek. I need to tell Scott I'm leaving. I showed up, he can't expect much more than that.

"Stiles!" He yelled.

"Hey bud, I was just coming to find you." I said facing him.

"What the hell!?" He screamed. "Why the hell would you do that to me!?" I felt my face crunch up into confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Why would you sleep with Allison! In my bed!?" He screamed.

I laughed, "Are you fucking serious right now? I've been right here all night. Why the hell would I even bother trying to sleep with her to begin with. Heeellllooooo, I'm gay remember?" I snapped back.

"Then why'd you do it?" He asked coldly.

"I didn't." I replied. "You're psychotic." I said turning away from him.

"Why'd you even come tonight!?" He yelled. "It's not like anyone wanted you here!" I glared at him.

"Call me when you get your head out of your ass." I snapped feeling someone splash a drink in my face.

"Get out of here you snitch." They spat getting chants from other party-goers.

"Get. Out." Scott snapped. I laughed harshly walking out of his house.

I listened to the phone ring once, twice, three times.
"Beacon County Sheriff's Department." I felt my hands shake.
"Yeah, I'm concerned that there is under aged drinking going on at one of the houses on my street."

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