When he finds out youve been picked on- kai

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So it turns out that day after school, b/f/n had to go to an appoitment of some kind, so you were left all alone. She swore she would come over later, but how long would that take? You decided to text kai on the way home, asking him to meet you at your place.

As you waited for him on the porch, you started to think about what y/e/n said. Theres no way... Nobody likes you... Tears tung your eyes at the thought. "Hey, y/n,whats up?" you smiled a little when kai sat down on the step beside you. "Nothing much..."

Now he knew you were upset. He lifted your chin so he could gaze into your e/c eyes. "Whats wrong?"

"People dont believe me that im dating..."
"Dont listen to them. Theyre just jealous because they know theyre not as cool as me." you giggled a little, leaning closer to him. "I have a picture of us in my locker... And they thought it was my cousin..."

"Like i said, dont let them bother you, ok? If you want, ill pummel their asses for you! Does that sound good?"
"You cant do that! Ill get in trouble!"
"Aww man..." you laughed, snuggling into his chest. "Thanks kai. I love you,"
"I love you too, y/n."

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