When he gets drunk- kai

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You waited for kai to arrive at your house. He said he would come by at around seven and it was 10 at night. Your parents were gone for the night, and you decided have a date with kai at your place. Maybe he had other things to do... You thought as you started to walk upstairs. You stopped and turned around though, when you heard a knock on the door. You opened it to see kai, but he didnt look like kai.

He was leaning up against the doorway, his eyes were halfway open and his hair was extremely ruffled. He smirked a little, collapsing onto you. "I love you y/n." you finally got the memo  when you smelled his breath.

"Youve been drinking, havent you?"
"I dont know what the f*** you talking about, bitch! I just had a f***in coke!" you shook your head. "I dont know who youre calling bitch, cause its definatley not me."

"I didnt call you mother f***in bitch! Do you want me to?"
"No kai. I wanted to know if you would like to sleep on the couch tonight,"
"Yeah, sounds good..." he flopped from your arms, to the couch, and you saw he started to doze off. You sighed, walking to your bedroom. After a half an hour you were in bed, you felt two large arms wrap around your body, and a chin rested on your shoulder. You knew exactly who it was.

"Kai, why are you in my bed?"
"Cause i love you baby," you nodded as he started to kiss on your neck and cheek. "I love you too." after he dozed off again, you stealthily slipped out of bed, and walked downstairs. And the only reason you didnt stay in your bed because you werent sure if kai was get back up and try to get it on (if you know what i mean). You plopped on the  couch wrapping yourself in a blanket, trying to get some sleep.

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