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Harry's POV

I walked into my home, ditching my backpack by the door and wandering towards the voices in the kitchen.

I waved a hello to my mum, who was having a very animated conversation on the phone. I made my way to the fridge, grabbing a made up sandwich and water bottle, and as I was going to leave the room my mum hung up the phone.

"Hi sweety, how was school?" She asked excitedly, I wonder why. Must've been the call.

"It was great." I answered honestly.

Really, school had never been a problem for me. Sure, it's not like I love getting assignments and waking up early, I mean who does? But it was half of my entire social life. I got to see all of my friends for an extra 7 hours a day. And everyone loved me there, I rarely payed attention in class, but that didn't matter because as long as I wasn't failing my mum and stepdad didn't care. School was really great for me, it was like my own little castle in a really cliche type of way.

"Well... I have some really great news! We have new neighbors!!!" She spoke loudly, practically jumping up and down.

"I'm assuming that's who was on the phone?" I smiled back at her childishness.

"Yes! And they are coming over for dinner on Friday. But here's where the best news comes in. Guess what?" She giggles, clapping her hands in front of her out of sheer excitement.

"Surprise me." I smiled at her, sarcastically.

"They have a son your age, Zayn, and he starts school with you tomorrow! You can show him around and everything." She concludes.

Wow, a new kid. I just hope he's not like a dork or anything, then I doubt any of my friends would like him. Who knows, maybe he will be one of those really nice, talkative lads that everyone likes. Like me, I smirked to myself cockily.

"That's great mum, so they're coming for dinner tomorrow?" I asked before leaving.

"Yes! At 6, so be ready. And be nice!" She confirmed as I went up the stairs to my room.

I had just sat down and was flipping through tv channels on my bed when my phone buzzed in my front pocket.

I pulled it out to see a text from one of my closest friends, Louis.

Boobear- Party at Nialls Saturday, you in?

Niall was another mate we had grown up with, that I was also quite close with.

Hazza- I'm there

I responded, tossing my phone on the stray pillow next to me, not expecting an answer.

I had just finished my sandwich when a movement to my left caught my eye. I turned my head to my open window.

I could see straight across my window into the one at the house next to ours. The new neighbors, of course.

I saw a raven haired boy with tanned skin, and dark thin facial hair. His cheeks were so chiseled, his cheekbones high, giving his face the perfect 'badboy' look.

He turned slightly so his back was to me. This must be the new kid, Zayn, that my mother was talking about. He looks about my age, but could definitly pass for a few years older.

Before I knew it was happening, his hands had grabbed the hems of his tight black shirt, and he was tugging it over his body.

I gasped to myself, but I couldn't seem to pull my eyes away. He was tattooed, and they looked beautiful on him. The contrast between the black ink and his dark skin was almost scandalous, and add his black hair to the matter, you have a beautiful man.

Wait, what the fuck Harry. Stop it, this is weird.

But I just couldn't, I couldn't seem to drag my eyes away from his thin and suprisingly muscled stomach as he turned to face the window, tossing his shirt on the desk in front of it.

I was still mesmerized, my gaze slowly grazing over his bare chest, up his long neck, over his sleek cheekbones, to meet his deep brown gaze staring at me.

Oh shit, he saw me.

Still, even knowing that he saw me practically checking him out, my gaze kept faltering back to his toned body.

Get yourself together Styles, what the hell is wrong with you! That's a dude, and your being so unbelievably creepy.

It took all of the strength I had in me to turn my head back to the tv, not paying attention to it whatsoever. I slowly took a sip of my water before sneaking one more glance over at him.

He was still there, in the exact same position. He must've been staring at me too. I feel myself began to flush just the slightest bit, and what is fucking wrong with me I don't understand. But there he was.

He was biting his lip, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from that plump, wet lip in between his teeth. When I brought my eyes up to meet with his, he released his bottom lip, replacing it with a devilish smirk that sent unwanted chills through my body.

With that smirk, his stare never breaking mine, he pulled his blinds shut.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.


I'm gonna delete my old story to make this one cus I didn't like the other one. Give me feedback cus I desperately need it and yes this is a boyxboy so if you don't like it don't read it, and don't give me shit about it.

I like it.

Goodbye readers, tell me what you think.


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