Chapter 7

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When I come downstairs Friday morning my parents are sitting at the dinning room table. Now let me be clear, we never sit at our dinning room table; my dad eats dinner in his office, I eat on the couch while watching TV or doing homework, and I haven't seen my mom eat dinner at the house in years.

"Sit down." My mothers voice is cold and unfeeling.

"Unless this is going to take under thirty seconds I'm not gonna, cause I have to get to school."

"Well you'll have to find a way to make it in time, this is important."

"Linda." My dads tone is sharp, letting her know that she has gone to far. "Mara, your mother and I are getting a divorce." His tone is gentle, as though he thinks that I am made of glass. In reality I want to jump for joy. My mom wasn't a good parent, and my dad deserved another chance to be happy.

"Okay, I've got to go now. Bye!"  I run out the door and then stop, leaning against it. My parents are getting a divorce. I shake the thought out of my head and try to focus on what I will have to do in school today.


Thank god there are no sports games today. Is all I can think as I slide into my seat in home room.

"Just a reminder," Mr. James says. "The Mountain View bakery/cafe is now taking job applications, so if you're interested in working there now is the time to apply." Nobody is looking at me. Everyone knows that my mom owns the bakery, but they also know hat I haven't been there since half way through my eighth grade year. No one at school knew why. I wasn't very close with anyone from MVH, in fact I think that I was on better terms with people from LVH, simply because we had the same interests.

School passed in the same boring fashion, me quietly doing my work in the back of the room, and everyone else not paying attention. Well, most people not paying attention, there were a few other like me that did the work and got the best grades. The few of us tended to sit together at lunch, not because we liked on another, but because we all disliked sitting alone.

Most of the afternoon classes pass quickly and uneventfully, but math is another story. The teacher decided that eighth period on a Friday was the best time for a pop quiz. Now don't get en wrong, I love math, but I am absolutely horrible when it comes to pop quizzes because I have a tendency to forget things.

"That was a really tough quiz." Mike says falling into step beside me, he was one of the smarter kids, but had always struggled in math.

"I agree, and did she have to give t to us on a Friday? What kind of sane teacher does that?" I was walking quickly trying to get to the bus stop before the early one left.

"Mara," Mike said my name and I stopped walking. "I was wondering if you, maybe umm, wanted to, study together?"

"Mike, I'd love to but I have to work."

"Well I was thinking that I could drive you to the bookstore and we could study there, not a lot of people come, so we would be mostly alone..." He trails off after I don't say anything. "Or not." He says quietly.

"No Mike, it's an awesome idea and I'd love to."

"Really?" He looks so hopeful.



The study session went really well, I could help him in math and he helped me with history. Two old men came in, each looking for the same book, and thankfully we had tow copies left. Nobody else cane in the store, which was nice.

"Do you need a ride home?" Mikes question startles me, I hadn't even realized that it was that late.

"Yeah, that would be awesome, thanks." I lock the shop up and get in his car, instantly I am reminded of what happened with Jack. He didn't show up today. I wonder if he's alright? But he lives in LV, maybe he just couldn't make the drive? I muse to myself.

"Make a right and then the next left." I say loud enough for Mike to hear. "And pull over right here. Thanks!"

"But this isn't your house." Mike says as I get out of the car.

"Don't worry, I can walk a few blocks. See you tomorrow!" I call shutting the door. As I walk along I think about what my dad said this morning. My parents are getting a divorce, most kids might be upset, but I think that this will be wonderful. And maybe, just maybe, one thing in my life will go right.

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