Dear Mom and Dad

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Nice to know you love me so much, right? That's exactly why you ignore everything I say and force your own feelings on me, therefore making me feel insecure and beyond confused.
I almost never feel confused about my gender anymore. I know I'm a boy. I know it. I can feel it. Yet you guys still manage to make me doubt myself because of your damn views that I really don't give a shit about.
'Cause honestly?! I don't think God really gives a fuck about how someone feels about your gender. "There is no male or female. You are all one under Jesus Christ, the lord." That's a legit quote from the bible, you transphobic bastards.
Faithful followers of God? If you were such faithful followers of God, you wouldn't be so hell bent on making me feel suicidal.
Honestly, though, I'm not even exaggerating. You two bastards cause every single one of my insecurities. You make me doubt myself. You don't accept me. You obviously don't actually give a shit about me, 'cause you don't even try.
Bitches. I have nothing to do with your idiocy. I can't wait till i'm old enough to move out and leave you two in the dust. Sure, I'll visit from time to time, but I'll be roaming the Earth. I won't be held up by a family that won't accept me for who I am.
You always encouraged me to be different, right? Well how much more different could I get?
Normalness leads to sadness, right?
Well you two try to force me into being normal, and that makes me beyond sad. You have cornered me in a shell of insecurities that will not let me out until I have the confidence and support to break through.
So thanks for your help, not. You both suck ass. Thanks for nothing.

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