My Hot Mechanic 14

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This goes out to everyone who kept asking for me to upload super sorry i got a really crazy job its been forever since i turned my latop on or even been on here but i do promise i finish this just for yall. Thanks for sticking with me and sorry for the typos it 130 am and i just finished this.

“Ms. Reed!” The principle was running up the hallway he looked red “Mr. Richardson! Fighting in my school is not tolerated. What has happened to you children!”

“Yeah I know. Theres no need to yell.” Keisha rolled her eyes.

“No need. Theres no need to be fighting Ms. Reed.”

“Well I hope you got Krissy and that other girl also”

“Indeed I did! Now Andre how could you and your teammates just stand there and let that fight happen. Your suppose to be role models” Keisha stiffed a laughed Mr. Garcia shot her a look.

“Im sorry sir, but I was trying to stop it I did. That we’re over there.” He seemed convince

“Well next time act sooner. Now Ms. Reed follow me”

She stood up gave me a weak smile and followed him down the hall. I wished it was something I could do but the only thing I could do was find out Eric sold her out but that would have to be later I had a class I was extremely late for.

The entire school was talking about the fight. Apparently Krissy had a bloody nose and Alexis face a bruised. Everyone knew who Keisha was now she would of hated the attention. But Eric was loving it giving play by play details of the fight. I didn’t know whos side he was on.

“Yeah Keisha was hitting Alexis in the face. She didn’t get a punch in. They deserved it though. Shes feisty. Oh yeah Ive been in a few fights myself. No no not here outside of school away from town. You don’t know Keisha? I was just sitting with her at lunch Friday you didn’t see us?”

Hes never been in a fight his life that was why Keisha was able to beat him up but he wasn’t going to bring that up. It was getting annoying. I left 20minutes early I couldn’t stand to listen to him anymore.

I walked by the office hoping to see if Keisha was still here but instead I ran into Krissy Mom.

“Hi Andre. I havent seen you in ages” She gave me a quick hug.

“Yeah how are you?”

“Im fine, just getting Krissy.” On cue she walked out the office with her hand on her nose

“Okay im ready to go” Then she saw me and stopped

“You okay?”

“Oh now you care!” Her mom looked started. I didn’t want to be rude in front of her so I didn’t answer. “Well for your information my face hurts so damn much. You better tell that girl to watch her back”

“You should of never did that.”

“Me? She attacked me and your defending her!” she was getting loud

“Kirssy, you were wrong. Alexis was wrong. And then you came up with that stupid theory” I had to laugh

“Stupid! Well That’s what Eric said. You mean to tell me you LIKE her!”

“You shouldn’t believe anything Eric says you know that” I wasn’t answering the last part.

“I cant believe you Andre after everything we been though. That’s all you have have to say. Don’t believe Eric. Andre Richardson Your going to regret this!” Then she walked off leaving her mom standing there.

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