My Benefactor Chapter Seventeen

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My Benefactor

Copyright © 2011 crimsonnebula

All rights reserved

Chapter Seventeen.

Banner on the side done by yours truly :) Still Mathias Lauridsen.

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Enjoy! (no proofreading done)

I was running.

Harder and faster than I had ever run in my life. Trees flashed past the way. It was only a matter of time my legs would hurl me forward, feet flying from something too terrible to face.

"Kill Derek. Kill the purebloods."

Shaking those thoughts away, I willed myself not to listen to that voice.

"You were born for this. Fulfill the prophecy."

Derek's house appeared between the distant trees. The sight of it brought a strange feeling of salvation, the way a thief might feel sighting a church, his chance at sanctuary. I sprinted harder, and soon,  Derek's swimming pool appeared on my line of vision.

I stumbled down to the patio that surrounded the pool, my eyes eyeing its blue depths. Part of me wanted only to drown myself,  to lie on the bottom and hold my breath while my heartbeats get further and further apart, stretching, eventually reaching infinity.

My reflection morhed into a different face. She had dark wavy brown hair that fell above the top curves of her supple breast, her eyes had the mixture of electric blue and stormy gray. She had a straight nose, and plump lips curled into a serene smile, but behind that serenity was bitterness and heartbreak. The flawlessness of her creamy complexion made her stunning and utterly inhuman.

"Fulfill what needs to be done."

I recoiled, shaking my head. No way in hell. There was a light in Derek's house. That alone draws me past the pool and up to the French doors at the back of the house. Suddenly, I'm banging on the glass, banging hard, and the pain shooting up to my elbow didn't stop me. I see movement inside, and then Derek was bustled to the door, his face all concerned. Before he could speak, I threw my arms around his neck, standing on tip toes, and hugged him as tightly as I could.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter, ma cherie?" he asked. "What happened? What's wrong?"

I wanted to answer, but my chest was heaving against him in great racking sobs that made my whole body shudder.

"Calm down," Derek said, stroking my hair. "Whatever it is, we can deal with it."

I shook my head violently and stared at him through a screen of tears.

"You've got to tell me what happened, Reagan."

This time my mouth formed the words, but again no sound emerges. Then, like a distraught child, I managed to utter out.

But it came out different. It was like I wasn't in control with myself.

"You're going to die, pureblood." I said in cold hard tone.

Derek's eyes went wide in an instant, "R-R-Reagan?"

I smirked,"What's the matter, Derek? Why are you so shocked?"

He started backing away from me, "Reagan, whatever you're doing, I want you to stop."

I cackled evilly. Stop? Ha! When pigs fly."Sorry. No can do." And with that, I flitted to his direction and planted a fist to his gut, lingering it there, using the force to slam his body to the wall, creating a huge dent.

His body jerked from the impact. I immediately grabbed his throat and slid him up as far as my arms could extend,"You purebloods disgust me. The most arrogant, womanizing fiends that had ever existed. Prepare to beg for your life!"

I tightened my hold on his neck. He was gasping for air and tried to pry my hands off, but to no avail. I was stronger.

"R-Reeag-g-gan." He choked."Don't."

"Say nightie night, Elder Kolinkar!" and snapped his neck, a sickening crack resounding in the air.

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