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I opened the door expecting to see someone but there was no one there.

"Hina? Was anyone there?" Tohru called from the kitchen.

I was about to call out 'no' but a sweet voice suddenly spoke.

"E-excuse me. H-hello. Hello..." I turned to see a girl with brown hair and brown eyes blushing.

"You're Hinata Honda right...? I... I... I'm Kagura Sohma. Is Kyo-kun... Is he really here?" She asked in a timid voice.

"Ah... Y-yes. But he is passed out because he was force fed leeks." I said quietly.

"Wuu! He's back! He's really back!" She started blushing heavily, squealing.

"Kyooooooo-kuuuuun!" She hurriedly rushed inside.

"Oi! I'm not going to eat any damn leeks!" Kyo shouted angrily.

"If you want to complain you can leave." Yuki said coldly.


I sat next to the calmest, Shigure, as Tohru was busy daydreaming.

"Ok...ok... Yuki. Kyo." He sighed.

"Kyoooooooo!" Kagura yelled dreamily.

"Ka...Kagura." He yelped fearfully.

"This is Kagura. She is also part of the zodiac." Shigure said.

"I wonder what zodiac she is.." Tohru tilted her head.

"These four months... Where did you go...? Why didn't you call me...? I really..." She started crying.

Suddenly her eyes went demonic.

"I REALLY WANTED TO SEE YOU!!" She screamed punching him in the face.

Tohru started spazzing out.

Surprised I held back a giggle.

Yuki dodged Kyo's flying form as he went straight through the door.

I sighed and got up to the door to fix it. Again.

"I WAS REALLY WORRIED!" She screamed waving him through the air.

"Why does everyone like to destroy everyone else's homes?" Depression clouded Shigures face. "Thank you Hina-chan."

"No problem." I muttered.


"It was you." Shigure laughed nervously.

They all say at the table as I continued to fix the door.

Tohru shivered.

"I noticed it's a little cold in here. Are you okay Miss Honda? Honda-chan?" Yuki asked concerned.

"I'm okay." We said.

"Sorry. When I saw Kyo all my love just came out!" She said.

"So technically this is your fault Kyo-Kyo. If you had just called once in awhile..."

"HOW IS IT MY FAULT?!" He yelled.

Yuki ducked to the side and I hastily managed to open the door as Kyo flew out. I sighed in relief before closing the door.

"You are my houses savior Hinata-chan!" Shigure sang happily.

"I-is Kyo going to be okay?" Tohru asked, panicked at the display of violence.

"He should be fine." Shigure waved it off a after hearing a scream.


Tohru walked out of the washroom happily. "I'm going shopping Hina-chan." She hummed as Yuki followed her to help carry the bags.

I went to the table to finish my homework. It was all really easy.

I was just about to finish when I heard a loud crash followed by panicked yells. I stood up and hurried to the kitchen.

I froze in my tracks to see the kitchen badly damaged with fire lighting up and the washroom overflowing with soap suds.

I hurriedly grabbed a bucket of water and dumped it onto the growing fire. Soon after the soap suds flowed into the room.

I sighed and grabbed a sponge and went to fill the bucket with water.

I heard Kyo start yelling at Kagura before running out into his sulking spot.

I walked back inside and headed to the kitchen.

"She isn't letting anyone help her clean." Shigure warned but I shrugged and continued into the room.

I set the bucket down and grabbed a sponge. I proceeded to a burnt corner of the room and started scrubbing.

"I can do this by myself." Kagura mumbled.

"We need the kitchen clean by tomorrow morning. I doubt you can fix the door, clean the floor, and fix the washer by yourself. Besides, I doubt anyone would like to work alone in complete silence." I said

She stopped and stared at me.

"That's the longest I've heard you talk." She smiled slightly. I blushed, I didn't realize. "You're really nice Hinata." We continued cleaning, talking quietly.

Tohru came inside awhile later and made some rice balls for Kyo, shooting me a proud smile when she saw Kagura talking openly.


Later Kagura packed her stuff and everyone saw her off.

"I'll bring you something next time I come Kyo~! You too Hina!" She waved before running down the path.

"Did you ever figure out which zodiac Kagura is Tohru?" Shigure asked.

"No." Tohru sighed in disappointment.

Suddenly Kagura flew back to wear we were. "I FORGOT TO GIVE YOU A GOODBYE KISS KYOOO!" She sang.

Kyo pushed her right at the mailman. With a poof Kagura transformed into a boar.

Yuki pushed out the mailman, who was stunned by his feminine charm.

"I just figured out her zodiac!" Tohru exclaimed.

"I'm pretty sure that's cheating." Chibi Shigure said.

"I hope one day I can see the good in Kyo just like you Kagura." Tohru smiled.

"KYO YOU TWO-TIMER!" Kagura screamed and beat him in her boar form.

"She means she wants to be like you and see the best in people." I explained.

"You...want to be like me?" She asked.


Suddenly Kagura transformed on Kyo's back.


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