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Different POV yay

Zayn's POV

He just kinda stood there after our mums left. He was standing next to the counter, just staring after the way they had left. A few times he opened his mouth as if to say something but didn't.

Eventually I just sat down and smirked, eyeing the handsome lad. Yes I said handsome. I am openly gay, and I wasn't kidding earlier in our last class. Hm... I wonder if he though I was.

But anyway, Harry Styles may be the sexiest man I have ever seen on this Earth, and the other day in our bedrooms, I kinda wish the roles had been reversed. I wanted to see his bare, probably tattooed chest. I assumed, just because he had some small visible tats on the rest of his body.

Oh his body. That simple t shirt, and the way it hugged his chest... It made me want to just trace along the skin inside of his deep v neck. I smirked at the thought.

I quite loved the way I made him so uncomfortable. So nervous. It made me feel like I had a power over him, which I already assumed I did have. It was hard to ignore the way he has been staring at me, and stuttering when he's around me.

I just love that I do that to him.

After I had been checking him out for much too long, I realised he wasn't going to be able to say much for a while. So I said something for him.

"Shall we go upstairs?" I smirked, making his body shift uncomfortably again.

I smirked so much just for that reason. That satisfactory wriggle that goes through his body, telling me I have some sort of effect on him.

"O-oh, " He cleared his throat, no doubt to try and stop the stuttering. It worked. "Yeah, my room's up the stairs." He guided me out the kitchen door.

I stood slowly, admiring the view of his arse in those skinny jeans. Mmm, I grabbed the small bag of clothes my mother had dropped on the table before they left, and followed the curly haired lad up the steps.

At the first landing, he turned his head slightly as if to look at me. I never broke my gaze to his bottom, and out of the corner of my eye I saw him widen his eyes and tense up as he turned his head back. He picked up the pace a little at this point, walking into the 2nd door on the right.

When he opened the door, I realised his room was the exact same size and shape as mine, just reversed. My gaze wandered over to his open window, where you could see my closed wooden blinds. I smiled cheekily at the memory and turned to look around the rest of the room.

Pretty basic if you ask me. A king bed (I don't see why), a large tv on the wall in front of it, a closet, a nightstand next to the bed, a La-Z-Boy chair in the corner, and a large cluttered desk under the flatscreen.

It was all pretty messy actually. But oh well, it's not like I did much better. I tossed my bag on the recliner, and plopped myself down on the window seat, observing my shades.

"Quite the view huh?" I smirked evilly, turning my head to Harry, knowing his reaction before I could even see it.

He flushed a deep red and bent his head down, sitting soflty on the end of his bed.

"Uh, yeah, sorry about that." He muttered.

I jumped up from the cushion fast, sitting myself next to Harry so both of our knees were touching, and I saw him flinch, his perfect, fair cheeks going even darker. "No reason to be sorry. I think we both enjoyed it." 

I wanted Harry. And I wanted him bad. I hadn't felt this way about another guy for a really long time, but I knew what it felt like and I needed him. He was going to be mine, whether he knew it or not.

With my last words, his head raised, staring at me with those heart-stoppingly beautiful, vibrant green eyes. They made my breathing hitch, and I cursed myself for showing any sign of weakness to him.

Not so casually I put a large hand on his mid thigh, gently squeezing. He let out a breath against my face, breaking our stare. He looked down at my hands, breathing heavily. In that moment I could tell how confused he was.

I felt bad for him actually... Everyone goes through that faze before they come out. When they are swimming in a pool of strange, new, confusing ideas that just nearly drown you. I had gone through that, so I decided to not push him any further tonight.

But just as I was about to remove my hand from his thigh, his head whipped up again. His green orbs enveloping me with a look of... curiosity?

Before I could make the first move, he closed the small space between us, crashing his lips against mine. It was the smallest little kiss, barely anything more than a peck. But it cascaded me with bliss.

His lips were so warm, just like the rest of his body. They were plump and soft, but rough at the same time. Like a mans lips should be. The kiss itself sent chills through my body. This I had never felt before, but I defnitley, definitley liked.

Even though I was upset I wasn't the one to make the first move, I was so overjoyed the kiss even happened. He pulled away too soon. Just long enough to make me want more.

I frowned as his warmth left me, and opened my eyes to see a very startled, guilty looking teen in front of me. It was like he was shocked at what he had just done, and I wasn't surprised. So was I.

I began to lean in, already wanting more of his lips on mine, put he stood up and walked around to the other side of the bed.

"Harry?" I asked, confused as to why he didn't want me to kiss him again.

"Listen I'm really, really sorry. I didn't mean to do that, I don't know why I did, I'm just sorry.." He said while quickly pulling off his shoes, shirt and pants. I barely had any time to wander his body with my eyes. I got a little excited when I saw his thumbs hook around the waist band of his boxers, but with one look at me over the shoulder, he blushed and removed his hands, climbing into the large bed.

So, Harry likes to sleep naked. I liked that. A lot.

I followed his actions and slipped into bed in just my boxers. I was a little disappointed when he just kept his eyes glued to the opposite wall, his body turned away from me. The only time he moved was to switch off the lights, cloaking us with the dark.

"Again, I don't really see why your apologizing. We both liked it." I repeated.

I was happy when he said nothing to deny me. I knew he was still confused, but just knowing he didn't say no was nice.

He turned in his bed to face me. "Goodnight Zayn." He sighed before closing his eyes.

I admired his peaceful face a while longer, smiling to myself, before rolling over to face the wall. It was a little early for bed, but with Harry on my mind, I fell into a deep restful slumber.


When I woke in the morning, I faintly remembered our kiss last night, and a smile played at my lips. I very awkwardlly got dressed. Awkward for Harry that is. He wouldn't steal one glance until I was fully dressed. Just as I was about to go back home after a seemingly endless silece he spoke up.

"Hey! So, um there's this party tonight. At my friend Nialls house if ya wanna go." Harry said politely.

"Sure." I replied expressionless, giving Harry my number after he promised to text me the address.

I was actually very excited as I was walking next door, but who am I kidding. No matter how much I know I want Harry I also know he's probably just trying to mess with me at the same time. Why would he invite me to a popular party if he already knew some of the people there would have a problem with me.

Hell, he probably won't even send me the address.

But how I hope he does...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2013 ⏰

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