| Damnation |

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"Hey Dan?" A fake smile plastered on my pale cheeks, I greeted the cook, Dan.

"Hey Chanel?" His green eyes read concern and worry.

I was pretty sure he had heard of what had happened since I had told Alexa who probably told him.

"Are you hungry?" He asked. "I can whip you up some stuffed flounder."

He knew how much I loved his special stuffed flounder with a side of rice pilaf and steamed broccoli.

"No thank you." I was in no mood to eat it. Honestly, I was in no mood to eat anything. I just wanted to finish my Monday night shift and hopefully forget about this pass Saturday.


I was moping around in my own pity. Dragging my feet around as I cleaned up the diner for closing. Alexa had taken the night off early and Dan was still in the kitchen, scrubbing the grills and mopping the floors.

I finished my last job and had almost twenty minutes left until I clocked out. I glanced up toward the far corner. Silas was finishing his coffee and reading something on his old flip phone.

I don't know why I did it but I sat down across from him at his booth. He looked at me. His eyebrow raised in wonder. I guess trying to figure out why I sat here. I guess we both are wondering why I did.

"Do you work around here or something?" I asked.

I needed some sort of conversation to clear my mind. He seemed as though he did not really care to answer but once he noticed my sour look, he reconsidered.

"Warehouse site. Down by the old boat houses."

"Oh." I knew where that was and it was not too far from here. Actually a lot of the workers came here for breakfast or lunch.

He looked back at his phone as I stared at him. I could see the tattoos on his arm. I took the time to begin to count them. It was one after the other. Each somehow connected to form something bigger. Something better.

"Do you need something?"

"Huh?" I stopped counting and focused in on his lips.

"Do you need something?" He asked again.

"Um no."

He picked up his coat, slipping it over his black T-shirt. He looked at me. His eyes were very pretty! He reached into his denim jean pocket, pulled a few bills and slid it across the table toward me.

"Thanks for the tip." Without another word, he walked out of the diner, disappearing into the darkness.


I slipped on my acid-washed jeans, a blouse and my knee high black boots. I pulled my hair into a bun and put on my small stud earrings.

Where am I going? I don't know. I will figure it out when I get there.

I picked up my wallet and keys and hauled ass out of the house and to my car. Pulling out of the driveway, I cranked up the radio and sped off down Manor road.


I stared up at the bright neon sign that read 'Lion's den'. The one thing that was for certain was this place was always active. Women and men flowed in and out of the establishment. Music blasted, bumping through the enormous speakers inside.

This was the spot. The usual place.

And that was the problem!

Same old shit!

What Goes Bump In The Night (Book One).✔Where stories live. Discover now