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27 days later

"I know. I am missing you too but what can I do am still stuck here with work. Atleast, you are at home, resting."

"That sucks more! I want to see. Please come soon, baby."

I have been talking to Theo on calls because I didn't wanted him to doubt about anything. He was discharged 13 days ago. And, I was still stuck here.

"Why are you still in New York? Weren't you supposed to be in either Houston or San Francisco?"

"I am staying here because I still have my checkups and also I got my placement here in New York, itself."

Thankgod, he was on resting period, otherwise he'd have reached California, looking for me.

Dr. Phil motioned me to end the call. He was waiting for me as I had my check up.

"Theo, I love you. I gotta go now. I am needed here." I told him.

"You are needed here as well." He said in a playful tone.

"Yes, I know why I am needed there. Please, now I have to go." I pleaded.

"Okay. Go! I don't want to keep you away from your work. Love you!"

"Love you too, take care." and I ended the call.

"When am I going home?" I cried to Phil.

"That's why am here! These tests might be your final test and after that you might go home. Stephanie will take you but before that I will give you instructions for home because most probably you will get a discharge today."

"Really?" I couldn't keep the excitement.

"Yes! Once you will be at home, it will be important to keep the surgical area clean and dry. Stephanie will give you specific bathing instructions. The sutures or surgical staples will be removed before you leave.Then, you should not drive until we tell you to. You will not get involved any activities that might lead you to exhaustion. Follow-up visits will be scheduled frequently after returning home from the hospital. These visits may include blood tests, chest X-ray, and biopsy (removal of tissue from the heart for examination under a microscope.) Dr. Gordon will explain the schedule for these tests. The rehabilitation program will continue for many months." I nodded my head as he explained me my do's and don'ts. I nodded my head in obedience.

"Notify your doctor to report any of the following:

•Fever and/or chills that may be a sign of infection or rejection

•Redness, swelling, or bleeding or drainage from the incision site

•Increase in pain around the incision site

•Difficulty breathing

"Okay." I nodded my head again.


I can't believe I was going home after a month. I called Serene to pick me up. Serene and Zia were the only ones other than the doctors and Samantha, who knew about what I had done. I needed someone to cover me up from my office people, Neil and Hans.

It was half past five when Serene came. Zia went directly tht to my place for cleaning and stuff.

On my way back to home I called Neil.

"Where the fuck have you been? If you were going with Serene to California, you should have informed yourself. Do you have any sense of responsibilty? Thankgod, I got a call from Serene informing me that you were with her." He shouted.

"I am sorry. I am coming back tomorrow. I'll see you then."


"Is he sleeping?" I asked Samantha. To surprise Theo, I came unannounced in the morning.

"No, no he isn't. He is taking a shower. How are you now?" She asked me.

"I am fine now." An awkward silence followed after that.

"I will get you something to eat. That's his room." She stood up, pointed towards a room and then entered the kitchen.

I slowly walked up to the room, Samantha pointed. I knocked once or twice but there wasn't any response. The door was unlocked and a little opened so I got in.

There was no one in the room. For the first time, I was in his room. His room was neat and tidy. Everything placed at its proper place. His room was completely opposite to mine. Big, spacious and clean.

There was a photo frame on the bedside table. I picked it up and found it was my picture. Just then I heard the bathroom door open and there he was, wrapped just in a towel, water droplets on his body. He was exactly the way, I always wanted to see him.

"Alice!" He exclaimed as he saw me and completely forgot that he wasn't dressed.

"Oh my god!" He came and hugged me. I made sure that he doesn't feel my bandages. That was even why I was wearing a loose t-shirt.

"Finally, I got my chance that I missed three years ago." I teased him.

He then realised what was I talking about.

"You lucky girl!" He picked his jeans and slided into it. I saw his bandage running down from his Adam's apple to his belly. He wore his t-shirt quickly.

We heard the room's door open. It was his servant. I recalled his face from Houston. I think his name was Frank.

"Theodore, mam is calling you both out."

"We'll be there in five-minutes, Frank." Yes, his name is Frank.

We had snacks and then Theo took me to the roof top. It was a little cloudy today. It was pleasant up there. I went to the edge of the terrace and looked down keeping my hands on the railing.

Theo came behind me and kissed my cheeks. He whispered, "I love you." I smiled.

"Theo, do you remember your promise?"

"Which one you are talking about?"

"My one day promise!"

"Oh yes, yes. Good grades and one day for you. I do remember." He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I want that one day." I said.

"Whenever you say." He kissed on my neck.

"Same day, next week. Be ready and pick me up from my place at 7:45 a.m."

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