Chapter Five: Starbucks and Missing Phones

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Izzy's POV

"Rise and Shine Bitch!" I jump up and down, on the bed, waking up Emily.

"What?" She moans.

"I said, wake up you little whore," I throw a nearby pillow at her.

"God damn it Izzy!" She grabs her phone, "Why are you waking me up so early?" It wasn't all that early, it was eleven.

"You said you would take me to Starbucks. So get up, and take me!" I continue to jump on the bed.

"Alright, go, get changed," Emily jumps out of bed.

"Izzy!" Emily yells, from the bathroom.

"What?!" I shout getting frustrated, because I couldn't squeeze my shorts on.

"My mom told me to let you know that your mom called the house."

"Your point being?" I finally squeezed the shorts on, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Call her!" Emily shouted, as if it where the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh," I was to lazy, to look for my phone.

"Izzy!" I had refused to call my mom quiet a few times now, and Emily thought it was rude and disrespectful.

"I will later," I walked into the bathroom, joining Emily as she straightened her hair.

"You better," She pointed her finger at me, and gave me a disappointed look.

Emily and I drove to the Starbucks, we were there within a matter of Minutes. Emily ordered out drinks as I hooked up the WiFi to my iPod.

"Two Salted Caramel Mochas for Izzy and Emily McDonough!" The young boy at the counter screamed out.

"Emily go get them," I waved her away, while logging onto twitter.

"You're so demanding," She headed towards the counter.

"I've been told that before," I whispered under my breath, remembering what Riley said last night.

"One Caramel Mocha for you," Emily handed me my drink.

"Is it salted?" I stared at the drink in front of me, then back up at Emily.

"It's salted," She smiled.

"Good," I looked back down at my iPod, taking a sip of the drink. I scrolled through my twitter, noticing that no one was on yet. I did what I normally did, when no one was on. I stalked myself. I began scrolling through my tweets, and laughing at all the dumb things I said but, then I saw tweets from last night. It was weird, because I didn't tweet at all last night.

"Emily," I looked up at her she too was on her phone.

"Yeah?" She looked up.

"Were you on my twitter last night?" I asked her thinking it must have been her.

"No," She looked back down at her phone, she was probably texting Connor.

"Well, that's weird," I continued to scroll through the bazaar tweets.

"Why? What's going on?" She put her phone down on the table, and took a sip of her drink.

"There are all these tweets from last night on my twitter, that I didn't tweet."

"What do they say?" I had grabbed her attention, away from her phone.

I had an amazing time tonight.

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