Chapter two

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     Narcissa was bold. With her bold purple highlights in her soft caramel hair, and her shoulders forever broad, Narcissa was bold. But this didn't change Principal Helliwig's opinion of her. He thought she was reckless and a nusiance and got in his way of moving out of Small Springs, Alaska.
      It was no shock when Narcissa was expelled from the prestigious high school in the middle of nowhere. This is the case because she always was doing something wrong. For example, freezing the water fountain, placing blocks of frozen urine in every single locker (including her own), and freezing every mascot, shirt, and pencil containing their school emblem; The Sledding Eskimo. She loathed that sign. Hated it, even, for its stereotyping ways. This brought Helliwig over the top.
  "Of all the ridiculous things you have done in the past, this is by far the worst!" Screeched Helliwing, turning beet red shaking his T-Rex arms like he's having a seizure.
  " I object to this being ridiculous! It was the only thing I could do considering," Narcissa exclaimed, her green eyes alight.
  "You know I'll have to call your father, Narcissa, don't you?" Said the stout principal, reaching for the sparkly landline (the previous principal was a woman).
  "Please!" Shouted the girl, "I'll tell him this evening! He's at work anyway, so he won't answer."
  " Alright, I won't, but please do NOT stay at school anymore longer than lunch," he said dismissing her, "after that, you can freeze for all I care."
I'm not quite done yet. Like it? Hate it? I want to know!

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