Zeo Di Valdez

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Fanfic finale 3/5
This is my lion king OC Zen! I can rp if you'd like! (Look at the orb in her paw) and the lip scar déjà vu. Last Zeo Di Valdez chappie!


"Now Leo, repeat after me. Ciao, il mio nome è Leo Valdez." I said.
"Chao Ill mio nom eh Leo Valdez?" Leo looked at you questionably. I facepalmed. I was trying to teach him Italian, and he was ultimately failing.
"Here I will teach you a simple word. And it is awesome. Vaffanculo."
"Vaffanculo" Leo said fluently. I clapped.
"Now. Do you know what it means?" He shook his head.
"You want to know?" I smiled deviously. He nodded.
"Fuck you." He gasped. He looked offended.
"Now I know how to cuss?" He asked you.
"Now since I've been doing this for half the day, I'm going to ask you a question. Leo, mi ami? e se sì, parlare fluentemente." I looked at him hopefully. Leo smiled at me.
"Naturalmente, zucchero! Se io non ti amo, sarei morto." Leo was talking fluently! I smiled.
"Credo di avere italiano in fondo adesso ... baciami!" Leo spoke. He was actually speaking fluently.
"Oh my gods, Che diavolo è successo? HE SPEAKS!!" I screamed up to the gods. I threw my hands up exasperation. Leo smiled and kissed me.
"luchadora, ¿verdad?" Leo looked at me. I smiled.
"No, now can we sleep? Please? I'm tired from all this 'trying to teach you Italian'" I say. I snuggled into Leo's chest, as he sighed. I loved his smell, the smell of grease and smoke. It smelled reassuring to me. I slowly fell asleep.


I could feel Zoe slowly falling asleep. I admit, she looked cute. She looked good with her hair down. It's rare to see her like that, since it's either in a braid or up in a ponytail. I put a stray lock behind her ear, and kissed her cheek. She smirked a little in her sleep. I put my head on her shoulder. She smelled like coconut and fog. /does fog have a smell? I don't know. Just the smell of fresh air in general./ I liked the smell, and I'm pretty sure it isn't perfume. She's too tomboyish to wear it. I grabbed her hand, and matched my breathing with hers. I fell asleep, thinking,
Wow. I'm a lucky guy.

We all know that won't happen to me... lols.

Welp, I'm watching the Ronda rousie fight. So... See you all later!

~Zoe Di Angelo

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