We're Through 15

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He took a deep breath, putting his hands behind his head.

"I Liked you Sam. Alot. but i knew you wouldn't like a guy like me. The stuff i was involved in, you would of ran away screaming. I thought that Fin told you about what I did, about how i acted towards people and how i wouldn't let anyone in, that why i told you my name was Jay, Not Jason."He finished. I stared at him.

"You liked me?"I whispered as we stopped under a lamp. He smiled slightly

"I Like You alot"He whispered back, i smiled.

"But Fin always told me that you weren't the nicest person in the world"I frowned, he sighed

"Yeah, i did some things i'm not proud of, but i'm sorry for all that. I really am"He pleaded, I took a step back, remembering what he did. He touched my arm, sending shocks through my body. I glared at him

"Now i remember, Everything. Jay, you did things. that changed everything. And your Sorry?!" I asked out raged, he looked at me with those eyes.

"I never ment to hurt anyone"He whispered. I shook my head.

"But you- " He cut me off with is lips. Sending electric around my body, i was about to respond when my brain kicked in, forcing me to push away from him.

"No, i can't do this"I whispered, running away from him. i got to my house, climbing through my window. I turned off the music and layed on my Bed. Thats why he's on my list. I let out a shakey breath and stared at my ceiling.

"Lets do this"I whispered to myself. I sat up, listenig to the soft giggles echoing around the house. I changed into black leggings and a long black top. I stopped slightly as the giggles got louder.

"Night Joe"Chelsea said outside my door.

"Night"He whispered, i heard her moan slightly. I closed my eyes. Come on. The door opened and Chelsea's eyes widened as she closed the door.

"What the-"I covered her mouth with my hand

"SHH"I shushed her and released my hand

"Cover for me"I whispered, she nodded and i climbed out the window again. I ran to Jay's house, the memory flashing in my head


I left the classroom feeling happy and full of joy. My smile never left my face as i knocked into a guy with blond hair and turquise-violet eyes.

"I'm sorry"I apoligized, he snarled at me.

"B*tch"He hissed. My mouth dropped

"Excuse me?"I asked, he laughed bitterly

"You know what, you are such a slut, you broke up the two happeist people alive then you come along and ruin it"He snarled. I frowned.

"What now?"I questioned, his eyes flashed an emotion i couldn't pick when he pushed me against the wall and kissed me , rough but sweet

"Sam?"Fin's voice asked, sad and hurt, I pushed the guy off me as Fin stared at me with his hurt eyes

"Fin wait!" I ran after him as he walked off. I stopped in the middle of the hall as the guy laughed at me

"Payback b"tch" He snarled and walked off. I glared at him as he retreated....

Flashback over

I gritted my teeth as i reached his house. I faintly saw him pace his room. Oh just go to sleep already. I leaned on the tree opposiste his room. Till i finally saw him turn off his lights. I counted to 60 and climbed up the tree, climbing into his room. I heard him mutter to himself, rolling in his bed.

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