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~Claude's pov~

How can this movie be scary? If anything is scary it's Alois. Mood swings constantly and very cruel.  Anyway back to the movie. Michayla is laughing at it, Kiya fell asleep, Jackie is on her 3rd cup of hot chocolate, Abbie is on her phone, and Meredith is not doing to well. I get her off my lap. I go to the kitchen to make her some green tea. I heard someone walk behind me.

"How you holding up?" I asked

"I dont know actually. To be honest I'm not going to be able to sleep." Meredith answered 

"Hey im here for you. Dont you know that by now?" 

"Yea i know. Its weird having someone so close to me. I had someone close to me but now they're gone. I just dont need a repeat of last time. My heart still hurts. I feel like this is all fake. If i lose you i lose everything. My life will be meaningless. If anything i would try to become a demon or reaper. But then my emotions would be like Will. I cant lose you too. Claude..." 

I turn to see my little spider crying. Aw man! I hate when she cries.

"Dont cry. Come here." I said with my arms open.

She went into them. I held her until the tea was done. I kissed her forehead gently. I poured her the cup of tea. 

"Now its very hot so wait fo-" i was cut off by Meredith.

She was drinking the tea with no problem. I was truthfully shocked.

"Thanks Claude." She said

"Are you sure you're not a demon? Ive never seen a normal human do that!" I asked

"Well lets say im not normal. Im very different actually. But i know im not a demon."

"Lets go back. We are laying down this time."

"Okay. Okay. Dont get your spider panties in a twist."

"Excuse me?!"

"Its a saying! I just added spider though. Its true!"

"Okay i guess it is kind of funny."

We walked back to the couch. I layed my back on the pillow next to the arm rest. I pulled Meredith on top of me. She looked great i my tail coat. I have more then one. She can keep this one. I heard something hit the floor. Abbie dropped her phone. Now we have another asleep. 3 left to go.


Alright only 1 left. This one will not sleep. My little spider is awake. We have all the lights off. The only light is the one off the television. The television was starting to flicker. Then...BAM! Power out. The whole house lost power. In fact i think the whole town did. 

"Claude?" She said with a shaky voice.

"Its okay. Just look ahead. Look straight. Im infront of you keep your eyes open." I said

"Are you sure that you're in front of me?"

"If i could face palm right now i would. You're on top of me."

"Okay. No need to be a smart ass."

"Look forward."

"I am."

I flashed my eyes at her so she could see it was me.  She eased up but not much.

"Come one. Lets go." I said

"Where?" She asked

"For a walk."

"Oh okay."

We got up. Of course i led the way. Meredith held my waist from behind. That was so cute the way she is terrified of the dark. When we got outside it was brighter than the house. The stars lit up the sky like little fireflies. I could see the stars reflect into her blue eyes. Beautiful truly beautiful. I took her to her back yard. We sat on the grass looking up at the sky.

"My little spider, i was wandering if you want to come live with us?" I asked

"But that means i saty at the estate with you and Alois." She said

"Yes it does.  I eventually have yo go back to take care of my master."

"I would love to see Alois again, but..."

"You can't leave your friends. I know but i might have a way for them to stay. I just have to ask."

"But what about school?"

"We tell them you're moving to London."

"When were you thinking about leaving?"




"I accept the offer. One promise though."

"Go ahead."

"I get to stay and sleep in your room."

"My little spider i have no problem with that."

"Thanks Claude."

Okay that went better than i thought. But what about the young highness? His plans? Will they be just friends? Or become enemies? Or fall deeper in love? Claude you can get through this!


We were back inside. After that talk we went to her room. Those girls aint waking up anytime soon. Especially Jackie! 3 cups of hot chocolate, just dance against me , and helping with a killing. I have to say she is my best friend. Speaking of best friends i want Meredith to be more than that. I am currently  laying next to her on her own bed. Im looking around her room i notice a lot of creepy things. To start the list it would be the posters. I dont know how many there were of Alois, Grell, Ciel, Sebastian, and I! But more of me than anyone else. Dont forget the figurines of Grell .I also noticed a collection of books, dolls, and glass animals. Two things  caught my eyes. The first was a snow globe with a prince and princess. The princess reminded me of Meredith. The blond hair, blue dress, and her beauty. I want to be that snow globe with Meredith as my princess and I'm the prince. The second thing was more depressing than ever. I made it out to be an urn. It was surrounded by pictures of Meredith and a dog. Each picture was from a different year. This was just sad. I hugged Meredith tightly while she slept. I dont see the happiness in her like the pictures show. I will bring that happiness back. I will make her my spider princess. 

"I hope you dont mind a dance m'lady." I whispered in her ear and hum 'Pachelbel's canon in D'

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