Chapter Five

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"Listen Jake, dealing with this woman is going to take every ounce of patience you have." Angela warned him as they walked up the small path to her parents small home. She had been telling him the same thing for the last two days as they'd driven from New York to Kentucky.

"I'll be on my best behavior." Jake replied.

Angela rolled her eyes. "That's what I'm worried about." she said. "Really she loves me but she doesn't show it very well...."

Jake chuckled. "I've lived through a revolutionary war, civil war, two world wars and Vietnam. I'll be okay." he assured her.

Before Angela could respond the door to the house flew open and Georgia Walker came running out. "Oh my darling, Angela! It's so great to see you." she said throwing her arms around her daughter.

Jake looked at the woman and wondered if she could really be Angela's mother. She was about the same height as Angela but that was where the similarities ended. Georgia was very thin with birdlike features. Her hair was blond and frizzy and pulled back into a messy bun. She wore her make-up too thick and Jake's nose was already burning from the strong smell of her perfume.

Georgia pulled away from her daughter and wrinkled her nose as she pinched her daughter's side. "I thought you were going to start going to those weight watchers meetings they started offering in town?"

Angela didn't reply but instead quickly looked in Jake's direction as if to make sure he wasn't about to attack her mother. "She would have." Jake said. "But I'm afraid I've been keeping her far too busy."

Georgia seemed to notice him for the first time and her jaw dropped to the ground. "Who are you?" she demanded. Her accusing eyes flew back ot her daughter. "Does Tyler know you are out with this man?"

"Mom, Tyler and I are over." Angela told her mother with exasperation in her voice. "This is Jake Collins, my boyfriend."

"Soul mate." Jake corrected with a friendly smile as he reached his hand out.

Georgia shook it slowly while looking him up and down. He was wearing a tight gray t-shirt and blue jeans that hugged his long lean legs. "How did you meet Angela?" she asked suspiciously.

"Leave those kids alone, Georgia. At least let them come in out of the dark." A man's voice came from the doorway.

Jake looked up and knew immediately that this was Angela's father. He had the same dark hair, though his was graying at the temples. He had a smile on his face that was almost identical to Angela's and his eyes were dark and happy like hers as well.

Angela ran quickly to the porch and threw her arms around her father laughing happily. He hugged her tight in return.

"How are you my darlin?" he asked.

"I've never been better, dad" Angela answered honestly. "How are you?"

"Ah you know, I'm kicking." her father said.

Then Max Walker looked at Jake who was still standing in the yard holding two big suitcases in his arms. "Come on up here son and set those suitcases in the house." he said.

Jake followed everyone else into the small house and sat the suitcases down inside the door.

"My name is Maxwell Walker." her father said holding out his hand.

Jake had already known the man's name thanks to Angela preparing him for the meeting, but he shook Max's offered hand firmly. "Jake Collins, sir." he said. He couldn't believe that he was actually feeling nervous. He wanted to make a good impression with Max since Angela was clearly so in love with her father.

Jake and Angela (1st in werewolf series)Where stories live. Discover now