Chapter Eight

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The next two weeks were heaven for both Lane and Joey. They spent almost every waking moment together. They played cards, took long walks, went out to dinner. Lane never took her anywhere too fancy and she was glad.. She liked just being carefree and laughing with him. Every night he would walk her to her room but he never came in. He would give her an earth shattering kiss and then he would tell her good night and walk away.

Lane didn't tell her but it was damn near killing him to walk away from her every night. He wanted so much more than just her kiss but he didn't want to rush things. He wanted to take them as slow as he could so that she had time to be sure about her feelings.

Joey longed to hear him say that he loved her but he hadn't yet. She hadn't told him either much to the disappointment of Angela and Bethany who had taken it upon themselves to worry about her and Lane's love life.

Bethany had introduced Joey to an art dealer and he had seemed very interested in her drawings. He had taken them all and told her that he would contact her in a few weeks and let her know if he could find buyers.

Joey had never been happier in her entire life than she was those two weeks. She had earned the trust of all of the family. Even Evan had finally stopped checking on Kaylee every five minutes when she was drawing with Joey.

One afternoon Joey walked down into the kitchen and Raquel looked up from where she was busy scrubbing the floor.

"Joey, can I ask you to do a favor for me?" she asked. Joey nodded. "Evan has to work late, Jordan and Kent are gone on vacation, Rebecca is busy cleaning upstairs, Angela Jake and Laney are gone on a walk and Bethany and Greg went to France or something for Greg's newest job. Could you go pick the twins up from school?"

"Sure." Joey said happy to have something to do since Lane had seemed distracted all day. "Will you tell Lane if he comes down looking for me?"

"You mean he's actually let you out of his sight today?" Raquel asked teasingly. Joey nodded.

"He seems distracted today. I'm not sure what's wrong with him." she said. She grabbed a set of keys off the hook by the door. "I'm going to take Lane's Camaro."

"Thanks so much, Joey" Raquel said with a smile. Joey smiled back and then walked outside to the garage. She fired up the '69 camaro and started to town. She was just getting to the outskirts when an unmarked police car pulled up behind her and flashed its sirens. She cursed when she realized she been going 70 down the 45 mile per hour road and pulled over.

She looked in the side mirror and saw the cop approaching. He was tall and he was muscular. He was wearing black pants and a black t-shirt. He wore no uniform, no badge and no gun belt. Her senses were on high alert and a chill went down her back as she rolled the window down.

"Hello Joey." He said leaning down and looking in the window. She didn't reply. She stared at him trying to remember if she had ever seen him before. He had dark brown hair that was cut short and spiked. He had a big nose, high cheek bones and a dimple in his chin. But the thing that startled her were his eyes. They were jet black. He had no white around them... They looked like black holes staring back at her.

She was sure she had never seen him before. She would have remembered those eyes. She also knew that he wasn't human.

"What can I do for you?" she asked. He smiled revealing sharp white teeth. Joey wished that she had her silver knife still tied to her leg or the wooden stake in her pants but she hadn't carried either with her since coming back to Lane's house.

"You and I need to have a little chat." he said. He walked around the car and got in the passenger side. He reached out and took the keys out of the ignition and then looked at her.

Lane and Joey (2nd in werewolf series)Where stories live. Discover now