Chapter 6

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Little by little

I groaned at the annoying sound of my alarm clock and opened my eyes slowly to see it was 5:30 in the morning "Huh..?" I sat up and found a noticeable breakfast in bed and smiled as on the pancake, in berries it spelt out happy bday. I quickly ate and got out of bed. Grabbing my clothes and make-up bag with me to the bathroom.

After I was finished with all of that I went to my room and did my hair. I brushed my wavy hair and smiled as it shimmered in delight. It was such a great day out. I chuckled as a memory of an old video game I recently watched came to my mine. I then stood in my mirror again, acting as if I was a spy "It's a beautiful day!-" I turned and opened the window "The birds are chirping, the flowers blooming-!" But before I could finish my sentence I heard someone from across my window chuckle "What on earth are you doing?" I flushed and turned "Uh, Undertale role play?" Marco face palmed and we laughed a bit "So, really, what are you doing, what are you getting so fancy for on a school day?" I smiled "TODAY, IS, MY-!" I spun my dress around "BIRTHDAY!!!!" I felt every part of my jump with joy as Marco suddenly said "Ah, that's nice. What are you gonna do after school for the special occasion?" I stopped spinning and tapped my finger on my chin "Probably go to the mall with Cam, why?-" I propped my elbows against the ledge "You wanna take me somewhere?" He chuckled "I had something in mind." I check my watch "Hey, can we chat at school later, or text me?" He smiled "Yeah, see ya." I smiled and waved bye.


I walked into school, Cam glued to my side "Say aAlexis," i turned to her and smiled "Yeah?" Nothing could ruin my day today, not even.. We both froze, coffee was spilt down my head and fell all over me, I slowly turned around and found out it was Cece and her bitch of friends "Hahaha, you should've seen the look on your face Alexis, wow, so priceless, but seriously, you should get changed before-" the class bell rung and at the same time she pointed her finger up to the celing "That, bye bye now birthday skank." I felt like crying, I tried thinking happy things, my conversation with Marco last night and this morning, but time just slowed down.

A girl ran next to my side with a change of clothes "H-Hi, I am Elizabeth, I-I knew about her plan to do that, she grabbed my coffee this morning at the shop and did it to me too saying she was going to do it to you next, so I brought a change of clothes." The girls lisp made me fully acknowledge the girl, she had blond hair and hazel eyes, she looked roughly short (4'10" at the most), glasses and braces consumed her face along with the classic bangs that covered her forehead and eyes.

Cam nudged my side "I gotta go to class Al, I will check on you in 3rd hour, otherwise from that go with Elizabeth right?" She nodded "I also got a hall pass from Mrs.Crimmins this morning telling her about it, in a minute here the office should be-" before the Elizabeth could finish her sentence the monitor went off "Ceceil Jacobson, Emma Harris, and Cassie Crook come to the office with your things please." Elizabeth smiled "Go to class now Cam, I will take it from here." she nodded and I still hadn't said a thing due to shock.

We moved to the gym locker rooms and I took a quick shower, pulled my hair up, and threw on the choosing of clothes. For a nerd the girl had a good taste in style. My new outfit was a flannel that had rolled up sleeves to my elbows, a black crop top, black skinny jeans, and a pair of back heeled boots.

I turned to the girl "Thank you, seriously, what class do you have?" I tired making conversation while adjusting my makeup and hair a bit "Funny thing, I have the same class as you for my first hour." she pushed up her glasses and smiled a bit "Wait, actually?" I felt so bad for saying that but to be honest I was completely shocked and happy that I made another awesome classmate.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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