Chapter 7: Alone

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Eve slowly glanced at the sponge in her arms before her eyes moved on his tall figure. She was scared. She knew that he could do whatever he wanted with her and no one would complain about it. After all, she was all alone with him.

"What's the matter? Trying to escape, human?" he asked and she squeaked before slowly standing up.

"N-no, sir," she frighteningly mumbled before she took a hessistant step towards him and rose the foamy sponge to his backs.

"Scrub slowly. I want you to clean every single spot on my body," he said and she flinched remembering yesterday once again. Luckily for her, he still haven't raped her... Yet.

And with his words, she slowly started washing his back pushing back the sob that threatened to escape from her lips. He was only slowly hissing in pleasure from the touch of her hands even though he hated it. He didn't want her, but his body sure as hell did.

He then turned around at her and took in her scared face. Half of his soul was grieving for it, while the other, stronger, sadistic part enjoyed it making his cøck get hard. He glanced at it before smirking at her as she frantically started to shake her head.

"You have no say in this, human," he started "You know what to do," and just as rose his head towards her, she suddenly started running from him.

She didn't know what took over her body, but she knew that she couldn't please him like that again and she started running away. She didn't care if she got killed, but she just couldn't go through it again.

"Evelyn!" his voice boomed through the room, but she couldn't dare to stop, so she rushed towards the doors as fast as possible. And just as she was about to reach the handle, her body was violently thrown into the wall. The last thing she remembered before darkness completely overtook her, was the pair of legs running towards her. She probably deserved to be killed for rejecting a hybrid.

Van kneeled next to her dying body and gripped his hair; he didn't want this to happen. He just wanted to slap her for disobeying him and forgot that she was just a human. He didn't expect it to be like this, he didn't want to almost kill her.

"Shìt. Jebote!" he cursed before bitting on his wrist and pulling it above her lips to feed her with his blood. That will heal her, he just had to wait long enough for her to wake up.
"Luka, Luka!" Eve frantically ran around trying to find the mysterious man she dreamt of once again "Luka, where are you!?" she screamed in fear.
Where was he? Why was she even looking so hard for him? Who was he anyway?
"Luka," she was running around mass of people fighting as she finally spotted him.
"Luka!!!" she yelled as she rushed in his way as a pure terror covered his face.
"No, A..." but before she could hear another word from him, she screamed as the man swung his sword in her face.

Evelyn woke up coughing her lungs out, she had a feeling like she drowned in something. And that dream... What dream was she talking about?

"I see you woke up." a voice startled her as she screamed running away from him.

"I'm not that scary, human." Van said as he tilted his head and got up before taking determined steps towards her.

"Please, don't," Evelyn begged as she noticed him coming her way "I'm begging you, don't kill me." he suddenly stopped hissing at her. He would never kill her... Would he?

"I will not kill you human, for I am still grateful to your cooperation in our mission to catch those vampires," he said void of any emotion in his voice "Come, you didn't finish with your bath. And neither did I," he pulled out his hand for her to take as she hesistangly rose her own. He huffed as he pulled her up before letting go of her hand immediately missing its touch. But it was his body, nothing else. He didn't want her. She'll be gone soon. He didn't need her. She can't give him an offspring. He can't love her.

And yet, one part of his head was telling him that he was lying to himself.

And he once again rejected it.

He slowly got inside of the enormous tub as she stood hesitantly outside.

"Come inside, I won't touch you," he said noticing her actions, but it was few moments later that those words encouraged her to obey.

He took the sponge she previously used to wash him and started cleaning his own body while she just sat in the hot water not daring to take a glance at him. As she slowly rose her hands to her face, she noticed that they have become pruny. That had never happened before, but then again she never had a long, warm bath before. She started stretching them as a weak smile appeared on her face which got Van's attention. He stared at her with curiosity, wanting to understand the reason behind her happiness, but couldn't find any logical reason as to why would a human be so interested in her fingers.

"They grew old..." she mumbled terrified thinking that this water was poisonous for her. She won't turn into an old woman, right?

"They didn't, they'll be back to normal after you get out. Has such a thing never happened to you before, human?" he asked in disbelief. He's not really having this conversation with her, is he?

"Oh..." was all she could say forgetting where was she "I see,"
He is.

"Is this your first time coming here, girl?" he asked and she frowned. No more "human", huh?

"Yes, sir. I've never been to the place as such," she said hoping that he haven't noticed the frown.

"That explains it, here," he threw the sponge back at her "Don't forget the reason you came here,"

Gulping, she started washing her body as he quietly continued to stare at her. She wasn't special. She wasn't pretty. She didn't have a body of a fine woman he'd like. She wasn't trying to get in his good side like any other creature. She was nothing in his eyes.

He really should have left her alone, he needs to find some other entertainment. Killing people? Too boring. Sleeping around? Nah, they became too clingy to him already. Hunting humans? That... Oh right, he killed what has left of them. He had his own human slaves he used to hunt and play with, but he killed them all yesterday. He should buy more. Maybe he could even throw a bal? It's been two years since the last time he held a bal in his castle, that should take his mind off things and Evelyn.

Bal, is it then. Who knows, maybe this time - he meets his real, other mate.

The one that would mean everything to him.
I should burn in hell for this late update. I know I was in hospital, had to study, crossed half of my country and all, but I should have found a way to update earlier.
I'm an idiot, and I apologize for not updating.
Sorry guys, hope you accept my apology.

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