If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 22 [True Love]

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Then just let me go, let me live/Just leave me alone/Buried here next to love on my own/I'll never trust, never feel, never love again/With this bitter taste in mind/They always say true love is all you need/But when true love is gone can we go on?/They say true love would never leave/But my true love is gone and I can't go on~Madina Lake - True Love

I awoke to the rhythm of my heart beat on the monitor, the sound hypnotic as my eyelids fluttered. I felt no warmth around me and before I even I opened my eyes I knew I’d be alone. Nearly killed and I was alone I in a hospital.

Reluctantly I opened my eyes the light bright blue and white sterile room telling me it was daylight, the clock saying eight in the morning.

Before I could even call for assistance or go back to sleep as my head throbbed a big man walked in, in a black up dress shirt and jeans. My eyes grew in alarm “Woo, woo, steady bub, I’m a good guy.” He said coming to my side and helping me sit up in the bed, careful of the leads running in my body. I resisted the urge to grimace.

Once comfortable and he fluffed my pillow, instantly telling me his words were true, he sat at the foot of my bed “So, how you doing bub?” he asked assessing my face. How was I doing? What had happened? Where was everyone? How bad was I hurt?

My friend chuckled softly at my expression before running his hand through his brown shaggy hair, his age mid twenties his body of perfect and his eyes of a glassy blue, almost gray. He was obviously a heartthrob but yet a genuine guy, he appeared to be funny.

He smiled squeezing my foot through the bed sheet “My name is Logan bub and you and I need to talk about your little Vamp friends before the real coppers get here.” My eyes grew in alarm as I went to deny such news only to choke, my throat beyond dry. Hastily he filled a glass with water and helped me swallow. He smiled sheepishly, almost like a child “Sorry, I should have first told you. I am a Were, I work with the council of my world and the police force in your world. I do all the iffy-smells-like-my-world-cases.” He smiled friendly; I couldn’t help but smile back. “Now you Miss Tanze are soul mated to one of Will Creed am I correct bub?” my body filled with chills as mutely I nodded. I was beginning to doubt this whole soul mate crap; I mean Will’s absence sure did show his devotion didn’t it? “Now what I got so far is your Vamp friends-“

“Astroid, ones name was Astroid.” I interjected fear rising within me.

“I know.” He soothed “I know, I saw them before they fled.” His tone relaxing my stiff posture and explaining the growl before I passed out. “Anyways, they plantedbomb in your mates BW aimed for you and when that failed they tried to capture you. Now I'm not sure why but I'm pretty sure it’s linked to the fact that you’re the first person to be soul mated, you know, you and Will.” I bit the inside of my cheek as my eyes grew; alarmed and glad the girls weren’t with me during the explosion. “Now we’re trying to track them down so it’s alright. Relax.” He soothed. “We’ve already got a car for you girls to get back in, I'm going to make up some stupid story to the human cops and later I'm going to have to call Will’s dad and get him to protect the area in Dame Hills.” He said my heart wincing. “This,” he said handing me a business card “is for you to call me if anything happens. I am now your guard missy. If you’re wanting to leave Dame call me, stay protected and keep in touch at all costs.” He instructed. He sighed “Okay, any questions?”

I blinked beyond confused and lost in thought as I tried to absorb it all. “Wait! What’s the damage?” I asked.

“Damage? Oh!” his eyes lightening with understanding “Broken ribs, wrist and stitches.” My eyes grew alarmed at how I didn’t feel such pain, man those drugs are good! “We luckily have a changeling, a healer,” He added as my brow furrowed “working at this hospital in case we have one of our people come here wounded. So right now you’ve only got some cuts and bruises, stitches on that nasty cut on your cheek and a sprained wrist, hence the bandage.” O looked down at y wrist as my other hand reached my cheek. “It’d be a bit suspicious if you walk out unscratched.” He winked at me and although I was on the verge of tears I smiled “So bub, time to get you out of here.”

If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - A Werewolf NovelWhere stories live. Discover now