Six → Bruises

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'How idiotic of you to not take my advice.'

Looking around, I didn't spot anyone, so I responded. "She doesn't know what she wants." I could hear the voice evilly chuckle at my response.

'As if you even know what you want.'

I shook my head at the though, I did know what I want. I wanted to be left alone, and being her boyfriend wouldn't solve that. It would only make things worse.

Taking in deep breaths, I tried to stop myself from getting angry. It was pointless to be angry about the situation when it was done with now. After Desi walked out of that door, I doubt she'd ever come back to talk to me.

I grabbed my book from home and stuffed it in my backpack as I made my way out. I was about to be late for class anyways, it wouldn't do me any good just sitting here and reminiscing about the past.

"There you are, Ichabod." I cringed at the familiar hate filled nickname and looked up at the source of the voice. There stood Daniel, with two other people I didn't recognize. I knew they all had the same intention though.

Despite my tall figure, he was still an inch or two taller than me. His athletic build also aided in making him appear bigger. Walking past them didn't work, I was roughly pushed back into a corner.

The wall hurt my back but I tried not to let it show, not wanting to give them the satisfaction. Even though, I knew there would be a bruise.

"Now," his hand gripped the collar of my shirt as he lifted me up a bit off the ground. "We're going soft on you today since this is just a warning."

"A warning?" I asked, trying to keep my voice as calm as possible.

"You need to stay away from Desi. If you don't, then we won't go as soft on you." He let go of me, causing me to fall roughly on the tiled floor. I quickly picked myself up and glared at him. "Don't worry, I'm about to give Desi the same warning too."

As much as I said I was sure things would end, the thought of him hurting her still burned in my head. Who knew what he would do to her, considering how ruthless he could be.

"And just to make sure the warning sticks with you." Daniel looked to the side and nodded at one of his friends. The action confused me at first, but when I felt a fist collide with my nose I finally understood. "Nice doing business with you, Ichabod."

I held my now bloodied nose as I watched them walk away. The blood was starting to pour out of my fingers, so I grabbed my belongings and hurried towards the restroom.

'Well her 'boyfriend' doesn't sound too happy.'

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