The Real Life Olivia Pope

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[(photo of Oliver)]

"So as of now Thatcher Hayes is leading in the polls by 32% of the vote", Rebecca stated.

All the head directors of the campaign sat at the big table in the conference room. Lucille and Alexis sat on a couch near the back wall just listening in.

"What are Thatcher's people doing that we aren't?", Theresa asked.

"Have you seen the video of his speech in Dallas?", Joseph asked. "I gotta admit it was pretty good. He's focusing on stricter gun control laws. His poll numbers basically shot up after that."

"Joseph this is Texas and something Texas loves more than anything is hunting", Rebecca stated plainly. "There's gotta be something else."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to face the doors of the conference room as they crept open. They all stood up. Alexis and Lucille looked at each other, confused, but followed suit.

"Good morning sir", everyone at the table said in unison. They all watched as he strode over to the head of the table.

It was Oliver Reed, in the flesh. The first thing Lucille noticed about him was his gray eyes. They were so intense.

"Good morning everyone. I apologize for being late", he said as he took his seat. "What are we discussing today?" 

Lucille felt a tugging at her sleeve. It was Alexis motioning for her to sit. She was the only one still standing. She hurriedly took her seat.

"We were actually just talking about what we can do to improve the poll numbers", Rebecca informed. She passed him a few papers.

"Well this isn't good", he muttered.

"Joseph was just telling us about a speech Hayes did in Dallas on gun control but I don't think his poll numbers are up for the sole reason that he wants stricter laws on guns", Theresa said.

"Go on", he said still going through the papers.

She continued. "I think it may have been the speech itself. Maybe we need a stronger communications team."

"What do you mean by that?", Jancy questioned. "If there's a weak spot in this campaign it definitely isn't in the communications department."

Without much thought forth, Lucille stood from her seat. "I don't mean to butt in but I don't think it's his speeches that got his numbers up. It's the places where he gives them that matters."

Rebecca stood up. "Lucille you are out of line, this is a chairpersons meeting."

She turned to Jancy. "Why are they even in here?"

Before Jancy could respond, Oliver did. "Rebecca take your seat and calm down."

Oliver turned to look at Lucille.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to overstep or anything."

"Who are you?", he asked bluntly.

"I'm Lucille. I'm with the communications team", she said speaking slowly, afraid of stammering over words.

"I'd like to hear more of what you have to say."

All eyes were on her.

"Well I was just saying that it's not the speech that matters. In fact his speeches actually suck", she said frankly. "The only thing that matters is that the speech was given at a conference in Dallas for at risk youth. He also recited the speech once again at a function for people who lost loved ones due to gun violence. You can understand that at these places a speech about gun control would be very respected. It's the audience that matters, sir."

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